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CodeCourses FocusLocalSDG
ART01Ceramics: Clean Art
Sustainable principles in handmade potteryGoogle Classroom4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 15
ART02Creative practice for an optimal performanceMusicGoogle Classroom4, 17
LIT01The role of translation in (re)shaping literary, cultural and national identitiesLiterature and CultureScience Centre4, 17
LIT02An invitation to Literature and Digital HumanititesLiterature e TechonlogiesGoogle Classroomall
Discurso Testimonial de Centro AméricaHispano-American LiteratureLiterary Sudies Graduate Program, Defenses' Room10
A Comparative Study of the Harlem Renaissance Movement and NégritudeComparative LiteratureSchool of Languages and Literature, Literary Sudies Graduate Program4, 16
Miradas y ficciones plurinacionales desde y hacia Bolivia: Espacios ch'ixi y narrativas urbanas del siglo XXI Latin-American LiteraturesSchool of Languages and Literature, Literary Sudies Graduate Program4
Popular music italiana e canzone brasiliana: viaggi, contatti, incontriLiteratureSchool of Languages and Literature, Literary Sudies Graduate Program4

CodeCourses FocusLocalSDG

Multiple Myeloma and Pediatric Onco-Hematology
Hematology-oncologyGoogle Classroom

Inclusión para personas com discapacidad en la perspectiva da educación física
Inclusión educativaGoogle Classroom4, 10
BIO01Emotion as a Framework for Behavior: A Neuroscience of Understanding
Biological and Health SciencesScience Centre
217064The role of inflammation in the pathophysiology of preeclampsia and new insights into treatment options for preeclampsia
Immunology, PharmacologyAmphitheatre of the Graduate Program in Biological Sciences, Institute of Biological Sciences3
2020165Urogenital Tuberculosis: How to improve early DiagnosisMedicine, UrologyGoogle Classroom3
214054Scientific writing course: Preparing a manuscript for high impact journalBiological SciencesBiological Sciences Institute, Biodiversity and Nature Conservation Gratuate Program4, 7, 13, 14
2032050Scientific Communication in EnglishNursingSchool of Nursing, Room 083


CodeCourses FocusLocalSDG
HUM01Philosophy and the human idealPhilosophyGoogle Classroom
3010048 CA
Épistemologías descolonizadoras sobre el género y el feminismo en África y en las diásporas africanasHistoria, Letras, Derecho, Género, ReligiónGoogle Classroom4, 17
HUM02Procesos didácticos y pedagógicos para cursos de enseñanza a distanciaEducaciónGoogle Classroom4
SSC01An introduction to Brazil´s politics, economy and legal system including migration policiesBrazilian LawScience Centre8, 16
SSC02Labour rights and the UNHuman RightsGoogle Classroom8
SSC03From precarious to decent work: the challenge of teleworkHuman RightsGoogle Classroom8
SSC04States of Exception in Theory and PraticePublic AdministrationGoogle Classroom16
203067Evangélicos conservadores en el espacio público latinoamericano del siglo XXI: Argentina, Perú y BrasilReligion ScienceHumanities Institute, Room C-II-04 & Google Classroom10, 16
2044030-AConsumer BehaviourBusinessGoogle Classroom3, 12
Sex, violence and the Bible – Insights from the South African context to inform Global South engagementsReligious StudiesHumanities Institute, Room A-II-035, 16
CSVMReflections Towards Refugee Rights in Brazil: regional and discursive approachesRefugeesScience Centre
3010048 AP
Pensamiento social latinoamericanoEstudios LatinoamericanosGoogle Classroom
3010048 CC
Un catholicisme colonial (Brésil - XVI-XIXe sec.): une approche globaleHistory, Religion Science, Philosophy, Social SciencesHumanities Institute, Room B-II-074
3010048 CV
Nacionalismo y deporte en la Europe de entreguerras (1918-1939)HistoryHumanities Institute, Room B-II-084
2038040Methodology for Social and Legal Sciences: a practical approachLaw and InnovationLaw School, room 64, 16
3010048 MI
Historia política de las mujeres en América Latina: México, Argentina y Perú siglo XXHistoria de América Latina e Historia de las MujeresGoogle Classroom4, 5
215052Investigación cualitativa, métodos de análisis cualitativo, con foco en análisis del discurso. Subsidios para la investigación en trabajo socialSocial WorkSchool of Social Work, room 9
215050Le prospettive teorico-politiche del Servizio Sociale in Europa e del lavoro professionaleSocial WorkSchool of Social Work, room 94
2028056The Qualitative Research in Mathematics Education and Education in the United StatesTeachingInstitute of Exact Sciences, Deparment of Mathematics, room M14
Los retos de los cambios sociales en torno al cannabisSociologiaHumanities Institute, room C-II-0210, 12, 16


CodeCourses FocusLocalSDG
STE01The Consumers’ Role in the Energy TransitionEnergyScience Centre7, 12, 13
STE02What is Complexity?Philosophy of Science
Google Classroom
STE03Hands-on to Solve Particle Detection Tracks Using a High Resolution Camera (Based on The Cygno Experiment)?
Engineering and PhysicsGoogle Classroom

On The Mathematical InfinityMath and its philosophy

Google Classroom4
STE05Applied statistics for beginnersStatisticsGoogle Classroom
STE06Ethnomathematics for beginnersMathematics, Culture and Human RightsGoogle Classroomall
STE07La promoción de la alfabetización estadística en tiempos de infodemia y fake newsAlfabetización Estadística y Educación MatemáticaGoogle Classroomall
Behind-the-Meter Energy Flexibility ManagementElectrical Engineering, EnergySchool of Engineering, Electrical Engineering Graduate Program7, 11
Advanced Energy Modelling with OSeMOSYS&FlexTool for Effective Sustainable Development Policy Planning
Energy, Environment, Energy Economics, Electrical EngineeringSchool of Engineering, Electrical Engineering Graduate Program7, 12, 13
2035030We Have Nothing to Hide: An Introduction to Privacy Issues in the Digital AgeComputer ScienceExact Sciences Institute Room S40116
2035037Innovative and secure ways to store data on Cloud/Edge environmentsComputer ScienceComputer Science Department, LAB 2059, 11
3020043Introduction to Gravitation and Field TheoryPhysicsExact Sciences Institute, S302 - Bloco Reuni4, 9


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