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Monitoring quality of chronic illness care

Module II

This modular course include the component of the system of clinical information and the presentation of Passport to a Healthy Life. The system of clinical information about individual patients and entire clinical populations to help to identify needs, plan, accompany the answers of treatment and evaluate the results of healths, and, for that, they are the heart of an effective model of chronic care. The systems of clinical information must be integrated as much as possible with the system of general information of health. The practical activity includes the revision and fill of the quiz of structure to chronic care.


Professor: Alberto Barceló (abre em nova janela)

Instituição: Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora

Língua ministrada: Inglês

Carga horária: 8 horas (O curso consiste em 5 horas de aulas + 3 horas de trabalho independente)

Aceita alunos de graduação e pós-graduação.