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Behind-the-Meter Energy Flexibility Management

Focus: Electrical Engineering, Energy

This course addresses the management of flexibility existing behind the meter. Several management algorithms will be described for house/building management systems, energy communities and parking lots. The course will also include the description of

Class 1 – Characterization of distributed energy resources (DER)
Class 2 – Meter data collection, analysis and classification
Class 3 – Demand response approaches, aggregate load dynamics and corresponding control limitations

Several exercises will be developed considering the different types of installations.
PS: Participants must bring their own laptops.

Professors: Bruno Henriques Dias (UFJF), Hugo Gabriel Valente Morais (Instituto Superior Técnico – IST-Lisboa / Universidade de Lisboa – Portugal)

Language: English

Place: School of Engineering, Electrical Engineering Graduate Program

Courseload: 15h

Date&Time: July 24-28, from 8.30am to 11.30am

Target audience: undergraduate and graduate students

Spots available: 5

Sustainable Development Goals (SDG): 7, 11

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