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Scientific writing course: Preparing a manuscript for high impact journal

Focus: Biological Sciences

The course “Scientific writing course: Preparing a manuscript for high impact journal” focused on preparing a manuscript for a high-impact journal would provide essential skills for students to effectively communicate their findings and increase their chances of publication. The course would cover the basics of scientific writing, including clarity, structure, and coherence, as well as the specific requirements of high-impact journals, such as formatting, style, and language use. The course would also address how to effectively convey research objectives, methodology, results, and conclusions and how to present these findings in a compelling and convincing manner. Participants would learn how to choose the most appropriate journal for their research, how to tailor their manuscript to the journal’s requirements, and how to respond to reviewer comments. Overall, a scientific writing course focused on high-impact journals would provide students with the skills and knowledge necessary to effectively communicate their research to the scientific community and increase the impact of their findings.

Ps: 10 students must bring their own essays.

Professors: Nathan Oliveira Barros (UFJF), Rafael Marques Almeida (The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley – USA)

Language: English

Place: Biological Sciences Institute, Biodiversity and Nature Conservation Gratuate Program

Courseload: 30h

Date&Time: July 17-21, from 8am to 12pm

Target audience: undergraduate and graduate students

Spots available: 5 for graduate students

Sustainable Development Goals (SDG): 4, 7, 13, 14