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Graduate / Pós Graduação

Dear student,

Here you will find the Graduate level courses of Global July 2019. Please note the Timetable at the end of the page.  Applications are NOW OPEN.

Global July Team

IDIOMAS LanguagesLOCAL E DATA Location and Date
GVLAW 1International and Integration Labour LawIs Brazilian legislation on Labour Law in accordance with the rest of the world? Are there international standards on Labour Law? Do MERCOSUR and European Union have their own Labour Law? What is regional citizenship? What statute apply to posted workers?
This course will provide the students with an overview on those issues through lectures and seminars.
Dr. Cynthia Lessa da Costa (UFJF - GV)15hENPITAGORAS – B001
From July 29th to August 2nd, 9 am to 12 pm
GVLAW 2Vivre et étudier en France et au LuxembourgLe cours couvrira l'organisation universitaire en France et au Luxembourg, les pays francophones, ainsi que le style de vie et la cultureProf. Larissa Barroso Cabral
Dr. Simone Cristine Araújo Lopes (UFJF - GV)
August 1st, 9am to 10:30 am
GVLAW 3El sindicalismo argentinoEl curso tratará de la organización de los sindicatos en Argentina desde una perspectiva histórica y política.Prof. Maria Irene Berta Zonis
Dr. Simone Cristine Araújo Lopes (UFJF - GV)
August 1st, 10:30 am to 12 pm
GVLAW 4Menschliche Arbeit und Recht: Diskussion über ein DritteHarun Farocki ist ein deutscher Regisseur, wer in vielen Filmen menschliche Arbeit diskutiert. Zwei Ausschnitte aus verschiedenen Filmen werden im Kurs gezeigt: "Vergleich über ein Drittes" und "Arbeiter verlassen die Fabrik in elf Jahrzehnten". Beide beschäftigen sich mit dem Thema und bieten sich einen reichen Hintergrund für die Erörterung der heutigen arbeitsrechtlichen Problemen.Dr. Jean Filipe Domingos Ramos (UFJF - GV)3hGRPITAGORAS – B001
July 30th, 9 am to 12 pm
ULAW 1Agenda Internacional en Derechos Humanos y EmpresasEl curso bucará presentar un breve historico de todo el proceso de negociación del Tratado Internacional sobre Derechos Humanos y Empresas en el Consejo de Derechos Humanos de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU), destacando el contexto de impunidad de las corporaciones a través de casos de violaciones, los retos y avances de este proceso, bajo la perspectiva no sólo académica, pero también de la sociedad civil organizada.Dr. Manoela Carneiro Roland (UFJF)8hSPonline transmission - Sala de videoconferência
July 31st and August 1st, 2 pm to 6 pm
Biomecânica BiomechanicsGVBIO 1Analisis 2D en KinoveaDescripción: Kinovea es un software de análisis de vídeo dedicado al deporte. Kinovea ayuda a los entrenadores, médicos deportivos y atletas a mejorar sus resultados. PhD. Esteban Ariel Aedo-Muñoz actúa como docente de la Universidad de Santiago de Chile (USACH), donde se especializó en medicina de comunicación y actividad física (dirigido exclusivamente a médicos) y evaluador en biomecánica del Comité Olímpico de Chile.Dr. Andreia C. C. Queiroz (UFJF - GV)
PhD. Esteban Ariel Aedo-Muñoz (Universidad de Chile)
August 2nd, 9am to 13 pm
Ciencias da Saúde
Health Science
GVHSC 1Forensic Sciences: concepts and opportunitiesThis short course is divided in two days and will cover basic/intermediate concepts of forensic sciences. On the first day, besides the basic concepts, studies of real cases solved through forensic evidence will be covered, and the differences in between the forensic institutes in Brazil and the United States of America. Second day will be focused in specific lines of forensic research: 1) cutting agents in seized drugs and 2) drugs facilitated sexual assault. Lastly, an outline of internships/partnerships with forensic institutes abroad will be provided.Taís Regina Fiorentin, PhD (Center for Forensic Science Research)
Dr. Regina Gendzelevski Kelmann (UFJF - GV)
July 31st and August 2nd, 9 am to 11 am
Fisioterapia PhysiotherapyGVPHY 1Reading studies and understanding the structure in english language health sciences journalsThis 8-hour course focuses on reading a journal article in the health sciences appropriately and undestanding its structure, main findings and tips for a successful writing.Dr. Cristino Carneiro Oliveira (UFJF - GV)8hENPITAGORAS – B101
August 2nd, 9 am to 5 pm
Languages and Literature
ULIT 9Migraciones africanas, identidades y descolonización del imaginarioA partir de una muestra de películas y de una variedad de material visual/digital y escrito, se pretende mostrar en este curso cómo las políticas de inmigración y la inmigración como proyecto político se estructuran en torno a la construcción de las identidades y de la representación de las migraciones africanas/diaspóricas en los imaginarios de Europa, América Latina y Estados Unidos.
Las teorías poscoloniales/afrodecoloniales y de la poscolonia servirán de herramientas teóricas para analizar el material de la clase y para mostrar cómo los sujetos poscoloniales africanos/diaspóricos se descolonizan el imaginario al descolonizar la epistemología, más específicamente, los discursos de representación.
Dr. Clement Akassi (Howard University - USA)36hSPonline transmission - Sala de videoconferência
From July 29th to August 8th, 9 am to 12 pm
Educação Matemática
Mathematics Education
UEDU1Social and cultural dimensions of mathematics[Graduate Level]
Four dimensions in which mathematics shape and are shaped by social and cultural dimensions will be addressed in this course:

1) The formatting power of mathematics.

2) Shaping meanings in art by the use of mathematics.

3) Language and mathematics design.

4) A strong program in the sociology of mathematical knowledge
Dr. José Manuel Leonardo de Matos (UFJF)6hENonline transmission - Sala de videoconferência
July 23rd and July 25th, 3 pm to 6 pm
Artes de Design
Arts and Design
UDES 1Introduction to Manufacturing Processes: a perceptual learning approach.This course is designed to ensure rapid learning of basic concepts related to industrial manufacturing processes. Because it is an online course that uses digital perceptive discrimination tools, each student can follow the rhythm they want and evaluate on each module, its performance and learning. Students who already have some knowledge related to the area may use the platform as a continuing study to reinforce basic concepts in:

- most common used manufacturing processes;
- manufacturing processes categories;
- materials and processes;
- manufacturing processes typologies;
- pros and cons;

- classification of materials;
- production aspects of materials;
- environmental impact of materials;
- recent developments in materials;
Dr. Ivan Mota Santos (UFJF)16hENonline course
UDES 2Concepts of 3D modeling and understanding of formWith the use of perceptual discrimination, this introductory course on the main concepts of 3D modeling can help interested students to join or understand this important recurring skill in professionals of various areas, such as: design, architecture, engineering, and also the context DIY and MAKERS, artisans, artists and creators in general.
This course is online and self paced, with the following learning goals:

- Recognition of main 3D concepts and modelling features;
- Classification of 3D modeling concepts;
- Interpretation, appliance and solving problems in 3D basic modelling;
- How to analyze a 3D model quality;
- Create something using your new skills;
Dr. Ivan Mota Santos (UFJF)12hENonline course

Click here to download the timetable in PDF

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