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States of Exception in Theory and Pratice

Focus: Public Administration

The term “state of exception” has a long history and has become increasingly recurrent in contemporary language. It is often used to point out conditions of current political and legal life, highlighting an exceptional fact or process that seems to be becoming natural in society. In a way, this perspective has links with a more precise theoretical and practical notion of a state of exception, but it is not limited to that. Historically, the exception is the means by which one seeks to defend the threatened sovereignty of the State and its institutions, even allowing the suspension of some rights and guarantees. In such a way, the state of exception is on the threshold between a crisis and lasting practices of government, which can, in the last instance, become dictatorships. This course aims to reflect on the theory and practice of states of exception in liberal democracies. For this, the course modules will address a general theory of the exception and its practices in the world.

-July 25th: “”State of Exception: what it means today”” – Prof. Matthias Lemke (Helmut Schmidt-University Hamburg – Germany)
-July 26th: “”State of climate emergency”” – Prof. Nomi Claire Lazar (University of Ottawa – Canada)
-August 1st: “”States of exception in South America”” – Prof. Jorge González Jácome (Universidad de los Andes – Colombia)
-August 2nd: “”States of exception and human rights”” – Prof. Mary Tobón (Universidad Libre – Colombia)

Professors: Antonio Gasparetto Júnior (UFJF), Matthias Lemke (Helmut Schmidt-University Hamburg – Germany), Nomi Claire Lazar (University of Ottawa – Canada), Jorge González Jácome (Universidad de los Andes – Colombia) and Mary Tobón (Universidad Libre – Colombia)

Language: English, Spanish, French

Mode of instruction: Online / Google Classroom

Courseload: 8h (synchronous) + 22h (assynchronous)

Date&Time: July 25-26 and August 1-2, from 3pm to 5pm

Target audience: undergraduate and graduate students

Spots available: 95

Sustainable Development Goals (SDG): 16

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