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Multiple Myeloma and Pediatric Onco-Hematology

Focus: Hematology-oncology

The course focuses on the exchange of experience with specialists who work abroad in the areas of multiple myeloma and pediatric onco-hematology for post-graduate students and residents in hematology, in addition to medical students who are interested in the area.

Professors: Abrahao Elias Hallack Neto (UFJF), Luciano Jose Megale Costa & Ana Carolina Xavier (University of Albama at Birmingham – USA)

Language: English

Mode of instruction: online / Google Classroom

Courseload: 7 hours

Date&Time: August 1, 2 and 4, from 8am to 10am (on August 1, from 8am to 11am)

Target audience: undergraduate and graduate students

Spots available: 95

Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):


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