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Whither the ‘Third World?’ A Brief Survey of the Global South, Past, Present and Future

This short course will survey the historical, demographic, socio-cultural, and economic aspects of the world areas known as the Global South, or “developing” world, which includes, broadly, Africa, Asia, and Latin America. We will begin with an examination of facts that these areas appear to have in common, as well as those dynamics that distinguish them. We will conduct comparative analyses of depth study. We will then explore the enduring and problematic North-South dynamic. From there, our attention turns to the sphere of South-South affairs: why are there so many conflicts on so many levels, and why do these disputes persist? Another dynamic to be explored is the process of globalization and its impacts on the Global South. Finally, we will explore the changing world order and the transition (politically but also socially and culturally) from a Western – to non-Western – led construct. What will this portend for people and societies everywhere? What will this portend for Brazil and its Brics counterparts? What will this portend for other regional and global prayers?


Professor: Gregory Otha Hall (abre em nova janela)

Instituição: University of Kentucky (abre em nova janela)

Língua ministrada: Inglês

Carga horária: 15 horas

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