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Area of knowledge
FocusCourses CodeSDG
Languages and Literature Modern LanguagesContemporary Global Literature: multiple worlds on a single planet

Languages and Literature Modern LanguagesVirtual borders between East and West - the role of translation

Languages and Literature Modern LanguagesIndigenous Comparative Literature: Brazil and CanadaLIT035 - 10 - 16
Languages and Literature LiteratureEpistemological Foundations of Modernity and PostmodernityLIT044
Languages and Literature Modern LanguagesPopular music italiana e canzone brasiliana: l’arte dell’incontroLIT05
Languages and Literature Modern LanguagesConversando em PortuguêsLIT064
Languages and Literature LinguisticsIssues of Language attitudes and ideologiesLIT074 - 10
Languages and Literature Modern LanguagesAmefricanidade, Quilombismo, Muntú y Black Lives Matter (Las vidas negras importan) : Discursos y Prácticas Africanas para Renegociar las Identidades y los Contratos Socioraciales en América LatinaLIT084 - 5 - 8 - 10 -11 -16
ArtsMusicImagination and creativity in music performanceART01


Area of knowledge
FocusCourses CodeSDG
Biological Sciences
Environmental SciencesRenewable gases production from waste and effluents

7 - 9 - 12 - 13
Biological Sciences
BiologyEcosystem BiogeochemistryBIO026 - 13 - 14
Biological Sciences
PhysiologyMarey : l'art et la science du mouvementBIO033 - 4
HealthNursingScientific communication in EnglishHEA01
HealthHealth SciencesBasic Principles of Mechanical VentilationHEA023


Area of knowledge
FocusCourses CodeSDG
PhilosophyLes conceptions de bonheur dans la pensée de Jean-Jacques Rousseau


HumanitiesHuman Rigths and MigrationRefugio: definiciones, acciones y escenarios de acogida: Cátedra Sérgio Vieira de Mello

HUM0210 - 15 - 16 - 17
Social SciencesLawInternational Law of Human Rights and precarious WorkSSC028
Social SciencesPhiloshophy/Social TheoryAn Introduction to Critical RealismSSC034 - 16
Social SciencesSociology/AdministrationOrganizational Sociology: contemporary issuesSSC044 - 16
Social SciencesTourismPower, place and politics: tourism in contemporary geopoliticsSSC054 - 10 - 16


Area of knowledge
FocusCourses CodeSDG
STEM Civil EngineeringLa Industria 4.0 y el Futuro de la Humanidad

STE018 - 9 - 12 - 15
STEMPhysicsThe Quantum EnigmaSTE02
STEMProduction and Mechanical EngineeringAnálisis de Vibraciones Mecánicas Aplicado al Diagnóstico de MaquinariaSTE034 - 7 - 9 - 12
STEMMathematicsLet's talk about numbersSTE044
STEMPhysicsIntroduction to astro particle physicsSTE054 - 9 - 17
STEMPhysicsDark Matter Direct DetectionSTE064- 9- 17
STEMStatisticsDescriptive StatisticsSTE07
STEMElectrical EngineeringTSO-DSO coordination and interoperabilitySTE087
STEMElectrical EngineeringEvolutionary Computation for Power System PlanningSTE09
STEMElectrical EngineeringPlanning future energy system for sustainabilitySTE107 - 11 - 12 - 13
STEMMathematicsMathematics for Peace and Social Justice: Developing Citizenship though EthnomodellingSTE11All
STEMTransport and GeotechnicsMaking Cities ResilientSTE129 - 11 - 13
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