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Descriptive Statistics

Focus: Statistics

This short course aims to give students the necessary knowledge and tools to summarize data sets using tables, graphics and measures of tendency and variability. We will study the concept behind the measures and use the free software R to find these measures and build tables and graphs. As this is a short on-line course open for grad students, it will be introductory, following the chronogram given bellow:
Day 1: Instalation of the free R software and R Studio. Qualitative and quantitative variables and Frequency tables (evaluation about interpretation and concepts to help me set the course pacing, will stay open for 24 hours)
Day 2: Pie and bar charts, histograms, dispersion graphs
Day 3: Tendency and variability measures, the box plot
Day 4: Making comparative plots
Day 5: Other ways to visualize data, and evaluation (evaluation to asses how much the students improved from day one, and to guide new courses. The evaluation will stay open for 24 hours)

Professor: Ângela Mello Coelho (UFJF)

Language: English

Mode of instruction: online

Courseload: 10 hours

Date&Time: July 25-29, 2pm-4pm

Target audience: undergraduate

Spots available: 95

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