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International Law of Human Rights and precarious Work

Focus: Law

The course aims at providing the students with a glance at the international system of human rights with focus on the world of work. We will be looking into the interpretation and application of fundamental labour rights within the international, regional, integration and domestic law and try to assess if fundamental labour rights are, indeed, treated as human rights by courts and legislators and, at the end of the theoretical program, the students will have the opportunity to try the new acquired knowledge in practice by examining examples of austerity-driven laws

Professor: Cynthia Lessa da Costa (UFJF)

Language: English

Mode of instruction: online

Courseload: 7.30 hours

Date&Time: July 18-20, 6.30pm-9pm

Target audience: undergraduate and graduate

Spots available: 30

Sustainable Development Goals (SDG): 

SDG 8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth

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