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Write history, think the world.

This course intends to approach about the genesis, the circulation of cultural references across the Atlantic, successive social and cultural changes. The appropiations and recreations of these referents (by) different political actors in the different historical circumstance. This course approach the following topics: Centuries of transfomation. Of industrialism to the informational economy; Nationalism, colonialism and empire; The collapse of redemptive ideals. The violence in recent history; The misconception of emancipatory projects and the search for historical subjects and others topics.


Professor: Augusto Manuel Saraiva do Nascimento Diniz (abre em nova janela)

Instituição: Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa (abre em nova janela)

Língua ministrada: Inglês

Carga horária: 15 horas

Aceita alunos de pós-graduação.

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