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Which inquiry? Which work? The global labour history of the workers inquiry revival

Focus: Social Sciences

A turn towards the “workers’ inquiry” seems to have taken place after the recent international economic crisis. Rather than a mechanistic reflection of social structures, it appears to have resulted from a new balance of forces that gave rise to lived experiences, social consciousness, or renewed collective organizations. In this lecture, in addition to reporting on these events and processes of a new kind, we will explore how the collective research model can inspire new practices within the social production of knowledge not only “about” but “with” the workers.


Host: Dmitri Cerboncini Fernandes

Lecturer: Roberto della Santa (CVT / CeG-UAb – Portugal)

Place: Science Center, Auditorium 3


Date&Time: Jul 26, 9am-12pm

Target audience: undergraduate and graduate students

Spots available: 100

Sustainable Development Goals (SDG): 1, 2, 3, 8, 10, 15 e 16