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What kind of mathematical education do we need in the 21st century in the pandemic crisis?

Focus: Education, Mathematical Education


With a gradual shift towards technological and sociocultural innovations during this pandemic time, there is a need to rethink existing educational systems and approaches in order to stay relevant to this era of constant crisis. What is needed is a set of twenty-first century skills, which can be broadly categorised into learning and innovation competencies; information, media and technology abilities; and life and career skills. Mathematics education is part of this context since it promotes the development of critical inquiry as part of its philosophycal estructure so as to deepen students’ understanding of current health crisis in order to enhance their capacity for purposeful comprehension of mathematical concepts, procedures, and practices needed to deal with this uncertain pandemic era.


Milton Rosa (Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto) (Opens in new window)

Daniel Orey (Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto)

Marco Aurélio Kistemann (UFJF)

Language: English

Courseload: 3 hours

Date&Time: 21st, 3-6 pm (Brasilia time zone)

Target audience: undergraduate and graduate

Spots available: 25

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