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Topics of public health in an international context

Focus: Public Administration


Duration: 2 hours
This first session aims at introducing public health strategies in the global context and health systems. Mainly, Primary Health Care (PHC) will be discussed. In countries with PHC-based health systems, PHC centers can deal with up to 80% of the health demands of populations. PHC promotes health equity, social justice, comprehensiveness, integration and continuity of care, and participation of communities, while moving away from the idea of resolving health problems through hospitalizations.
The Health Care models will be discussed, and examples of different countries will be analyzed. More focus will be given to the Beveridge and the Bismarck models, while also discussing the National Health Insurance and the out-of-pocket models.
Four case studies will be used to compare and discuss experiences in PHC and health services delivery in Brazil, Portugal, Italy and Germany.
– History of Primary Health Care (PHC): Declaration of Alma Ata (1978), Declaration of Astana (2018)
– Renewal of primary health care (PHC) by World Health Organization (2008)
– Beveridge and Bismarck health care models
– Case studies: PHC reforms in Brazil and Portugal; Role of PHC in Health Systems of Italy and Germany

Duration: 2 hours
This second session aims at discussing ways of assessing health systems. Firstly, we will discuss the OECD health indicators commonly used for comparative performance of OECD countries and major trends. These include Health Status, Risk factors, Access to care, Quality and outcomes of care, Health expenditure, Health workforce and Health care activities.
Secondly, we will discuss the use of hospitalizations for ambulatory care sensitive conditions (ACSC) as an indicator for quality of Primary Health Care. This indicator is included at the list by OECD as “Avoidable Hospitalizations”. We will discuss the development of list of conditions and the strengths and limitations of this indicator.
Case studies will be used to understand how ACSC can be used as indicator of quality of care, and how they represent inefficiencies in health services delivery.
– Performance of health systems in OECD countries
– Assessing health services delivery performance with hospitalizations for ambulatory care sensitive conditions (ACSC)
– Country-specific ACSC lists: Brazil, England, Germany, Portugal, Spain, United States
– Case studies: geographic distribution and costs of ACSC: Brazil, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal

Duration: 2 hours
This final session has the goal of discussing principles of health management and health policy, by analyzing public health problems from a multidisciplinary perspective. We will discuss the roles of the government in the management of the health sector, and how to strengthen existing health services, in order to improve the health of populations.
Three case studies will be used to discuss health policies and their impacts through epidemiological and statistical analysis; as well as management and ethical issues from a social perspective.
– Challenges in governance, decision making and health outcomes
– Case studies: Alcohol Consumption in Russia (90s); HIV/AIDS in United States (80s); Access to Health Care during COVID-19 pandemic in Portugal (2020)


João Victor Muniz Rocha (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal) (Opens in new window)

Lívia Almada Neves (UFJF)

Language: English

Courseload: 6 hours

Date&Time: 12th and 13th, 1-4 pm (Brasilia time zone)

Target audience: graduate

Spots available: 25

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