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Scientific communication in English

Focus:  Nursing

This course explores the processes and impacts of internationalization on health research. It covers the theoretical frameworks, policies, and practical approaches that drive international health research initiatives. Students will gain insights into global health challenges, collaborative research practices, and translating research findings across borders.

Course Objectives:
Understand the key concepts and theories related to the internationalization of health research.
Analyze the global health landscape and identify critical health challenges that benefit from international research collaboration.
Examine the policies, ethical considerations, and funding mechanisms that support international health research.
Develop skills for designing and managing international research projects.
Critically evaluate case studies of successful international health research collaborations.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this course, students will be able to:
Articulate the importance of internationalization in advancing health research.
Identify and assess global health issues that require collaborative research efforts.
Navigate the ethical and regulatory frameworks governing international health research.
Design effective research proposals for international health studies.
Apply best practices for managing and disseminating research findings across countries and cultures.

Course Content:
– Introduction to Internationalization and Health Research

– Definition and scope of international health research
Historical evolution and milestones
Global Health Challenges

– Epidemiology of major global health issues
Case studies of international research responses
Theoretical Frameworks and Models

– Theories of International Collaboration
Models of Research Partnerships
Policies and Ethical Considerations

– International health research policies
Ethical guidelines and compliance
Informed consent and cultural considerations
Funding and Resources

– Major funding bodies and grant opportunities
Resource allocation and management
Research Design and Methodology

– Designing robust international research studies
Qualitative and quantitative research methods
Data collection and analysis techniques
Project Management in International Research

– Project planning and implementation
Risk management and problem-solving
Dissemination and Impact

– Publishing in international journals
Disseminating research findings to diverse audiences
Measuring and evaluating research impact
Case Studies and Best Practices

– Analysis of Successful International Research Projects
Lessons learned and best practices

Language: English 

Host: Elenir Pereira de Paiva, Herica Silva Dutra, Suellen Cristina Dias Emídio

Lecturer: Tracy Heather Herdman (University of Wisconsin – School of NursingGreen Bay, USA)

Place: Science Center

Courseload: 30h

Date&Time: Jul 22-Aug 2,  from 2 to 5pm

Target audience: undergraduate and graduate students

Spots available: 30

Sustainable Development Goals (SDG): 3, 4 and 17