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On The Mathematical Infinity

Focus: Math and its philosophy

What is the mathematical infinity? I will try to explain in simple terms some essential aspects of the concept of infinity as it appears in math. It is a concept brought by numbers and is also related to the notion of continuum. Which are the basic kinds of numbers? In the end, I will present a very simple paradox and its solution by using the Aristotelian key “act-potency”.

Class 1, July 27, 7-8 pm – Numbers: naturals, integers, rationals, and irrationals (algebraic and transcendentals). Examples.
Class 2, July 28, 7-8 pm – Some more features and questions, a simple paradox and the act-potency dimension.

Professor: Dr. Guilherme de Berredo Peixoto

Language: English

Mode of instruction: online

Courseload: 2 hours

Date&Time: July, 27-28, from 7 pm to 8 pm.

Target audience: undergraduate  students

Spots available: 95

Sustainable Development Goals (SDG): 


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