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Introduction to Manufacturing Processes: a perceptual learning approach

Focus: Design


This course is designed to ensure rapid learning of basic concepts related to industrial manufacturing processes. Because it is an online course that uses digital perceptive discrimination tools, each student can follow the rhythm they want and evaluate on each module, its performance and learning. Students who already have some knowledge related to the area may use the platform as a continuing study to reinforce basic concepts in:

– most common used manufacturing processes;
– manufacturing processes categories;
– materials and processes;
– manufacturing processes typologies;
– pros and cons;

– classification of materials;
– production aspects of materials;
– environmental impact of materials;
– recent developments in materials.

Professor: Ivan Mota Santos (UFJF)

Courseload: 16 hours

Date&Time: 12th-21st, 08-10 am (Brasilia time zone)

Target audience: undergraduate and graduate

Spots available: 100

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