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Introduction to astro particle physics

Focus: Physics


The course will be directed to physicist and engineers who want to elaborate on a little more about big physics project and bases of elemntary particle physics. Particular attention will be devoted to astroparticle and dark matter challenging research. A basic knowledge of physics is needed, and the course will be divided in: an introduction to modern physics, particles detectors and accelerators, atroparticles and dark matter experiments.

Professor: Giovanni Mazzitelli (Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati – LNF dell’Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare -INFN, Italy) (Opens in new window)

Language: English

Courseload: 10 hours

Date&Time: 19th-23rd, 1-3 pm (Brasilia time zone)

Target audience: undergraduate and graduate

Spots available: 100

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