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In Silico Trials and a new era of Precision Medicine

Focus: Computational Modeling

In the context of precision medicine, in silico trials play a pivotal role in advancing therapeutic research. These virtual trials utilize modelling and simulation techniques to assess potential treatments without physical experiments. Key aspects include: Development of Novel Therapies; Construction of Virtual Cohorts; Conceptual Framework for Regulatory Use;
Impactful Examples: Drug Safety Assessment; Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics; Target Identification; Animal Replacement.
In summary, in silico trials represent a paradigm shift in medical research, bridging precision medicine with computational innovation. Their impact extends beyond drug development, fostering a more humane and efficient approach to therapeutic evaluation.


Host: Rodrigo Weber dos Santos

Lecturer: Blanca Rodriguez (University of Oxford -UK)

Mode of instruction : Science Center, Auditorium 1


Date&Time:Jul 29, 9-10am

Target audience: undergraduate and graduate students

Spots available: 60

Sustainable Development Goals (SDG): 3, 4 and 9

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