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Abaixo, os Cursos de Graduação e Pós-graduação. / Below the Undergraduate and Graduate Courses 


Hour Class
Ciência da Computação Computer SciencesUCPT 1Data-Intensive Scalable Computing[Graduate Level]
Data-Intensive Scalable Computing

In this talk we are presenting an approach called as DISC (Data-Intensive Scalable Computing) which has the focus on data-centric, different type of applications (e.g. web and business), oriented to data management and analysis and has the objectives such as scalability, fault-tolerance, availability and cost-performance. The paradigm considers programming models utilizing high-level operators, languages such as Java/Python/Scala under shared-noting clusters of commodity hardware. We are going to share some experiences from HPC experts utilizing this approach in interesting industrial study cases.
Dr. Mario Antonio Ribeiro Dantas (UFJF)6hEN
Direito LawULAW 1Agenda Internacional en Derechos Humanos y EmpresasEl curso bucará presentar un breve historico de todo el proceso de negociación del Tratado Internacional sobre Derechos Humanos y Empresas en el Consejo de Derechos Humanos de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU), destacando el contexto de impunidad de las corporaciones a través de casos de violaciones, los retos y avances de este proceso, bajo la perspectiva no sólo académica, pero también de la sociedad civil organizada. Dr. Manoela Carneiro Roland (UFJF)8hSP
Economia EconomicsUECO 1Historia del pensamiento económicoEl presente curso de grado está especialmente dirigido a estudiantes de grado del área de ciencias humanas y sociales (Sociologi­a, Historia, Filosofia, Ciencia Política, Derecho y Notariado). En un recorrido de nueve clases, se presenta brevemente, parte de la historia del pensamiento económico moderno, con particular enfasis en la Escuela Clássica y marxista (S. XIX) y las escuelas Keynesiana y Monetarista (S.XX).

Se han realizado pequeñas modificaciones , respecto a la edición anterior, siguiendo los aportes e impresiones de algunos estudiantes; por ejemplo, se ha agregado una clase más y se ha incorporado una breve presentación de la Escuela Austríaca y de la Escuela Historicista.
Dr. Matías Rafael Navarrete Chiarlone (UDELAR - Uruguay)27hSP
Educação Matemática
Mathematics Education
UEDU1 Social and cultural dimensions of mathematics[Graduate Level]
Four dimensions in which mathematics shape and are shaped by social and cultural dimensions will be addressed in this course:

1) The formatting power of mathematics.

2) Shaping meanings in art by the use of mathematics.

3) Language and mathematics design.

4) A strong program in the sociology of mathematical knowledge
Dr. José Manuel Leonardo de Matos (UFJF)6hEN
Enfermagem NursingUNUR 1Global Health and Nursing issues: trends and challengesInternational goals of sustainable development and global health
issues, and nurses’ roles to face trends and challenges globally. Problems and issues
faced by nurses in different countries and traits of nursing work environment that can
(un)favor nurses in their practice. International pro-nurses’ campaigns.
Dr. Herica Silva Dutra (UFJF)

Dr. Elenir Pereira de Paiva (UFJF)
IAD Institute of Arts and DesignUART 1Bamboo and laminated bamboo as materials for product designThe main purpose of this course is to introduce students to the use of bamboo and laminated bamboo as materials for product design.
Some specific topics will be:
- general understanding of the bamboo plant and its characteristics,
- historical overview of the use of bamboo in the fabrication of products,
- examples of current use of bamboo in manufacturing industry and product design
Dr. Silvia Resende Xavier (UFJF)6hEN
UDES 1Introduction to Manufacturing Processes: a perceptual learning approach.ONLINE COURSE

This course is designed to ensure rapid learning of basic concepts related to industrial manufacturing processes. Because it is an online course that uses digital perceptive discrimination tools, each student can follow the rhythm they want and evaluate on each module, its performance and learning. Students who already have some knowledge related to the area may use the platform as a continuing study to reinforce basic concepts in:

- most common used manufacturing processes;
- manufacturing processes categories;
- materials and processes;
- manufacturing processes typologies;
- pros and cons;

- classification of materials;
- production aspects of materials;
- environmental impact of materials;
- recent developments in materials;
Dr. Ivan Mota Santos (UFJF)16hEN
UDES 2Concepts of 3D modeling and understanding of form ONLINE COURSE

With the use of perceptual discrimination, this introductory course on the main concepts of 3D modeling can help interested students to join or understand this important recurring skill in professionals of various areas, such as: design, architecture, engineering, and also the context DIY and MAKERS, artisans, artists and creators in general.
This course is online and self paced, with the following learning goals:

- Recognition of main 3D concepts and modelling features;
- Classification of 3D modeling concepts;
- Interpretation, appliance and solving problems in 3D basic modelling;
- How to analyze a 3D model quality;
- Create something using your new skills;
Dr. Ivan Mota Santos (UFJF)12hEN
ICB Institute of Biological SciencesUBIO 1Novel indicator organisms to determine faecal pollution of water environments This module aims at providing an introduction about groups of microorganisms of faecal origin, their importance in a range of water environments and the impact they can have on the environment and human health. It mainly aims to discuss around traditional and novel microorganisms that are used to indicate the contamination of water environments with faecal pollution., It also provides an overview of analytical methods to detect and enumerate these organisms in water samples and key legislation for environmental and human health protection.

The objectives of the module are:

- To develop an appreciation of the value of faecal pathogenic and indicator microorganisms in polluted waters;

- To provide a picture of the important role of microorganisms in waters in both causing pollution and adverse health impact;

- To develop an understanding of how legislation is applied to protect the environment and health;

- To develop an understanding of the role of scientists in designing and developing technologies to ensure compliance with key legislation.
Dr. Edgard Henrique Oliveira Dias (UFJF)4hEN
UBIO 2Studying the brain: basic approaches to unveil the nervous system functionsThe main aim of this course is to present the basic approaches to unveil the nervous system functions. Specifically, the course will provide a discussion on issues as: basic aspects of neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, histology, electrophysiology and brain stimulation techniques.

Prof. Alice Resende (UFJF)
Prof. André de Oliveira (UFJF)
Dr. Anaelli Aparecida Nogueira Campos (UFJF)

Dr. Ruben E B Navarrete (UFJF)

Dr. Les Keniston, PhD (University of Maryland Eastern Shore - EUA)
Engenharia EngineeringUENG 1Smart Grids and Electric VehiclesThis course will present the main developments of Smart Grids and the situation of Electric Vehicles in the world, discussing the main challenges of the operation of electrical power distribution systems considering both. Dr. Jairo Quirós (Universidad de Costa Rica - Costa Rica)4hEN
UENG 2 Mantenimiento Predictivo Enfocado a las Vibraciones Mecánicas"Em este curso de formación profesional se detalla en profundidad la utilización del analisis de vibraciones
mecánicas como herramienta de diagnóstico en la falla de funcionamiento de máquinas rotativas y
alternativas. Para realizar un diagnóstico correcto es necesario conocer todos los problemas que pueden
ocurrir por anomalías de funcionamiento de la máquina y los tipos de vibraciones que pueden generarse
por esas fallas. Se presentan y explican las anomalías que pueden originarse en los distintos elementos y
sistemas de la máquina rotativa/alternativa y posteriormente se muestran y analizan las vibraciones
correspondientes a cada una de estas fallas."
Dr. Washington Orlando Irrazabal Bohorquez (UFJF)15hSP
Institute of Human Sciences
UHUM 1African-Brazilian Religion in Brazilian History: an overviewBrazilian history and its relation to afro-Brazilian religiosity: a view of senzala in the southeast and of the hidden meanings in the religious manifestations of the slaves. Afro-religiosity in contemporary Brazil. Intolerance discourses and reevaluations of the past.Dr. Robert Daibert Jr. (UFJF)4hEN
UPHI 1 Biofilosofiall corso intende offrire una prospettiva generale delle relazioni speculative tra biologia e filosofia, a partire dalla teoria evoluzionistica di Darwin. Il testo base del corso sarà "How Biology Shapes Philosophy" edito da David Livingston Smith. Dr. Elena Pagni (UFJF)4hIT
Languages and Literature
ULIT 1Portuguese for foreignersO curso tem como objetivo apresentar a alunos estrangeiros fundamentos da lí­ngua portuguesa a partir de insumos variados, de modo a que eles se familiarizem com lí­ngua ao mesmo tempo em que vivenciem experiências dentro da comunidade intra e extramuros da UFJF.Dr. Denise Weiss (UFJF)30hPT
ULIT 2Improvement of oral production in Portuguese for non-native speakersO curso é destinado a alunos estrangeiros, falantes de Português como L2, e tem por objetivo aprimorar a produção oral em Português abordando variações fonéticas e fonológicas pertinentes, como:

1. Distinções fonolóicas entre os sons sibilantes no PB.

2. Distinções fonéticas entre os sons oclusivos [t, d] e suas africadas correspondentes.

3. Distinções fonológicas entre as vogais médias em posição tônica.

4. Questões relacionadas ao ritmo e entoação de diferentes tipos frásicos como, afirmações, perguntas, exclamações etc.

Ao final do curso, o aluno terá condições de perceber as variações presentes na fala de nativos do Português, melhorando, portanto, a compreensão oral, e também aprenderá detalhes e contextos de produçãoo oral destes sons, aperfeiçoando, assim, a produção oral no Português como segunda lingua.
Dr. Aline Alves Fonseca (UFJF)15hPT
ULIT 3Introducción a la literatura afrohispanoamericana[GLIT 2] La propuesta de curso es expandir los conocimeientos en literaturas de la diáspora con enfoque en los paí­ses de lengua espanhola de las Amé©ricas. Además de la lectura y análisis de los textos literarios más significativos, se observará la crí­tica y la teoría literaria.Dr. Cristina Rodríguez Cabral (North Carolina Central University - USA)12hSP
ULIT 4Language and IdeologyThis course seeks to shed light on the nature of language ideologies in Western societies. Language ideologies are the set of ideas and beliefs about language use and structure. They influence the roles, meanings, and values that a community attaches to a certain language and represent simplifications that build unfair assumptions about others in people’s minds. In this course we will examine the most common language ideologies controlling language use, such as the one nation, one language ideology, the standard language ideology, and the purist language ideology. We will also discuss language ideology impact in the education of different minoritized group.Dr. Mara Barbosa (TAMUCC)12hEN
ULIT 6Verbivocovisual: Literature, Poetry, and Politics in Latin America"This course provides an overview of Latin American literature and poetry in relationship to politics. Through classic texts and works, we will examine what is literature from the perspective of culture, and the concrete functions that have been historically assigned to these institutions and forms of intervention: that is, the experimental work’s intimate relation to culture in all its diverse forms, and particularly, its uneven relation to modernity, race, gender, the subaltern poor, and the nation-state.

After reflecting on the traditional role of the intellectual in Latin America, we will spend the rest of the course analyzing literary works. Examining the subject of literature as related to Latin American studies and art, the course is organized in terms of two questions 1) an examination of influential Latin American writers and artists and 2) an understanding of Latin American literature and art in a global context.

Over the course of the semester we will explore a wide array of texts, including works by Augusto de Campos, Nicanor Parra, Fernando Pessoa, Ezra Pound, E.E. Cummings, Gilles Deleuze, Alejandra Pizarnik, and Ferreira Gullar."
Dr. Adam Joseph Shellhorse (Temple University - USA)6hEN
ULIT 7The Impact of Afro-Brazilian Religion and CultureThis course will look closely at Candomblé, the Orixás, and the assimilation of Afro-Brazilian religion in mainstream Brazilian culture. In addition to a presentation of the history and development of the religion and its syncretism with Catholicism, the course will also examine the representation of Candomblé from the perspective of Jorge Amado (literature), Carybé (art), Dorival Caymmi (music), and Pierre Verger (photography), as well as it's commercial representation in Globo's novelas and miniseries.Dr. Jeana Paul-Ureña, PhD (Texas Tech University - USA)15hEN
ULIT 8Brazilian Literature and Brazilian
National identity issues in Brazilian literature. 20th century: an overview of Modernism in Brazil. Contemporary Brazilian literature and violence narrative.Dr. Barbara Simões Daibert (UFJF)4hEN
ULIT 9Migraciones africanas, identidades y descolonización del imaginario"A partir de una muestra de películas y de una variedad de material visual/digital y escrito, se pretende mostrar en este curso cómo las políticas de inmigración y la inmigración como proyecto político se estructuran en torno a la construcción de las identidades y de la representación de las migraciones africanas/diaspóricas en los imaginarios de Europa, América Latina y Estados Unidos.
Las teorías poscoloniales/afrodecoloniales y de la poscolonia servirán de herramientas teóricas para analizar el material de la clase y para mostrar cómo los sujetos poscoloniales africanos/diaspóricos se descolonizan el imaginario al descolonizar la epistemología, más específicamente, los discursos de representación. "
Dr. Clement Akassi (Howard University - USA)30hSP
Medicina MedicineCourse Series: Evidence-based Chronic Illness Care, a Public Health Challenge for the 21 st Century (UMED 1 + UMED 2 + UMED 3)
UMED 1Organizing and Delivering High Quality Care for Chronic ConditionsIntroduction

Care for Chronic Non-communicable Diseases (CNCD), such as cardiovascular diseases (CVD), diabetes, cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a global health problem. Research demonstrates that the vast majority of people with CNCD do not receive adequate care. More than 70% of people who suffer from CNCD do not reach a good control. This is due in principle results from inadequate management, but it also related to lack of access to quality care and the existence of numerous financial barriers. This course series describes a model of care to organize health services for CNCD within the framework of primary health care (PHC). This course series provides a practical guide for administrators of health programs, policymakers and primary care teams on the planning and providing high-quality services for people with CNCD or their risk factors. The series consists of four independent courses interconnected by the Chronic Care Model (CCM). The course can be taken together to receive training in the six components of the CCM. Conversely students with less time can select one or more individual subject course.

Course Objectives

At the conclusion of the course series, participants will be able to:

1. Describe the need for and the justification for implementing quality improvement strategies based on primary health care.

2. Identify and describe each components of the Chronic Care Model (CCM).

3. Describe common interventions in order to improve quality of care for CNCD in particular those applicable to disadvantaged populations.

4. Develop skills to prepare proposal or to carry evaluation aiming to improve the quality of care in a public health environment.

09:30 AM-09:45 AM - Evidence Based Chronic Illness Care: The Chronic Care Model.
09:45 AM-10:30 AM - The Burden of Chronic Diseases: Status, Global & National Goals.
10:30 AM-11:00 AM - Break
11:00 AM-11:45 AM - A Model for Improvement. Conference and Introduction of Group Activity.
11:45 AM-12:30 PM - Exercise
12:30 PM-02:00 PM - Lunch
02:00 PM-03:30 PM - Exercise A Model for Improvement. Individual/Group Work.
03:30 PM-05:00 PM - Presentation of results
09:00 AM-09:45 AM - Delivery System Design.
09:45 AM-10:30 AM - Evidence Based Medicine
10:30 AM-11:15 AM - Decision Support. Introduction to the AGREE exercise.
11:15 AM-11:45 PM - Coffee Break
11:45 AM-12:30 PM - Exercise
12:30 PM-02:00 PM - Lunch
02:00 PM-03:30 PM - Group Activity: The AGREE Questionnaire.
03:30 PM-05:00 PM - Presentation of result the AGREE questionnaire
Dr. Alberto Barceló

Dr. Maria Cristina Escobar
UMED 2 Monitoring quality of chronic illness care09:00 AM-09:45 AM - Summary of the CCM components.
09:45 AM-10:30 AM - Clinical Information System
10:30 AM-11:00 AM - Coffee Break
11:00 AM-11:45 AM - The Chronic Care Passport
11:45 AM-12:30 PM - Evaluating the Structure for Chronic Care
01:45 PM-02:45 PM - Lunch
02:45 PM-04:00 PM - Group Activity: Structure for Chronic Care Questionnaire
Dr. Alberto Barceló

Dr. Maria Cristina Escobar
UMED 3 Helping Patients & their Communities Thursday
09:00 AM-10:00 AM - Clinical Information System.
10:00 AM-11:00 AM - Evaluating patient self-management. The PACIC questionnaire and the Self-efficacy questionnaire.
11:00 AM-11:30 AM - Coffee Break
11:30 AM-01:00 PM - The PACIC and self-efficacy questionnaires. Group Work & Discussion
01:00 PM-02:00 PM - Lunch
02:00 PM-04:00 PM - Introduction to the ACIC questionnaire.
09:00 AM-09:30 AM - Community Linkages.
09:30 AM-12:00 PM - The Program of Self-Management for Healthy Life-Style (AVISA)
12:00 PM-01:00 PM - Linking patients to health providers evaluation of self-management programs.
01:00 PM-02:00 PM - Lunch
02:00 PM-03:00 PM - The ACIC questionnaire. Preparing an intervention plan based on the results of the ACIC questionnaire
3:00 PM- 04:00 PM - Presentation of results
04:00 PM - Adjourn
Dr. Alberto Barceló

Dr. Sandra Delón
Fisioterapia PhysiotherapyUPHY 1How to Critically Appraise a Research PaperCritical appraisal of scientific literature is a necessary skill for healthcare students and professionals. Critical appraisal is a systematic process used to identify the strengths and weaknesses of a research paper in order to assess the usefulness and validity of research findings. The most important components of a critical appraisal are an evaluation of the appropriateness of the study design for the research question and a careful assessment of the key methodological features of this design. Other factors that also should be considered include the suitability of the statistical methods used and their subsequent interpretation, potential conflicts of interest and the relevance of the research to one's own practice. In this course, the students will learn about the principles needed to critically appraise papers, and how to use some instruments to this end (McMaster University, CONSORT, STROBE, PEDro scale).Dr. Paula Silva de Carvalho Chagas (UFJF)4hEN
Química ChemistryUCHE 1Coordination compounds as potential drugs to treat several illnessesThis course will cover the d-block metal chemistry and show an overview of the importance of the use of transition metal complexes in the treatment of several illnesses, particular emphasis will be placed in those coordination or organometallic complexes which successfully arrived to the clinic. The most accepted mechanism of action of the clinic approved metallodrugs will be discussed.Dr. Maribel Navarro (UFJF)6hEN
UCHE 2Concepts of Asymmetric Catalysis in Organic TransformationsThe short-course will focus on modern concepts of asymmetric catalysis.

1-) General topics on catalytic organic reactions;

2-) Representative topics on general activation modes;

3-) Studies of specific cases for each transformation.
Dr. Giovanni Wilson Amarante (UFJF)6hEN


Hour Class
Ciência da Computação
Computer Sciences
GCPT 1Python for BioinformaticsThe course is divided in two parts:
1) Introduction to solving biological problems with Python
This course provides a practical introduction to the writing of Python programs for the complete novice. Participants are lead through the core aspects of Python illustrated by a series of example programs. Upon completion of the course, attentive participants will be able to write simple Python programs and customise more complex code to fit their needs.

2) Data science in Python
This course covers concepts and strategies for working more effectively with Python with the aim of writing reusable code. We will be using Python libraries to explore data in files, creating functions and modules to write reusable code, manipulating data using Pandas, visualising data with Matplotlib and working with biological data using BioPython.
GCPT 2Exploring protein sequence and functional informationThis course is a guide to the UniProt resource, including what kinds of information it provides and how to access the data using the UniProt website. Some knowledge of biology and proteins is required. Some bioinformatics knowledge is useful but not essential.

Learning objectives:
Evaluate what UniProt is and what you can do with it
Explore the wide range of information provided by UniProt and understand where it comes from
Be able to access, navigate and search on the UniProt website
Evaluate the tools provided on the UniProt website
Comprehend how to access completely sequenced proteomes
Learn how to download data and know what formats are provided
GCPT 3Introduction to Molecular Dynamics and the ACPYPEAnteChamber PYthon Parser interfacE is a tool based in Python to use Antechamber to generate topologies for chemical compounds and to interface with others Molecular Dynamics applications like AMBER and GROMACS. It also has a web service option to spare most potential users from the drudgery of installing and maintaining all necessary software. A basic introduction about Molecular Modeling and Molecular Dynamics and Simulation will be presented.Dr. Alan Wilter Sousa da Silva (European Bioinformatics Institute - EMBL, Cambridge - UK)4hENLAB 1 - COMPUTATIONAL ENGINEERING AND STATISTICS BUILDING OF THE INSTITUTE OF EXACT SCIENCES (SECOND FLOOR)
UCPT 1Data-Intensive Scalable Computing[Graduate Level]
Data-Intensive Scalable Computing

In this talk we are presenting an approach called as DISC (Data-Intensive Scalable Computing) which has the focus on data-centric, different type of applications (e.g. web and business), oriented to data management and analysis and has the objectives such as scalability, fault-tolerance, availability and cost-performance. The paradigm considers programming models utilizing high-level operators, languages such as Java/Python/Scala under shared-noting clusters of commodity hardware. We are going to share some experiences from HPC experts utilizing this approach in interesting industrial study cases.
Dr. Mario Antonio Ribeiro Dantas (UFJF)6hENSCIENCE CENTER, AUDITORIUM 3
GCOM 1Investigación en medios y periodismo en el siglo XXI en Brasil y Argentina.29/07 - Estudios de periodismo en América del Sur: metodologías, recolección y base de datos
30/07 - Factores y contextos sociales, políticos y económicos de los medios de comunicación:
tecnologías, leyes, propiedad financiera y modelos de negocio de medios en Argentina y Brasil
31/07 - Culturas periodísticas argentina y brasileña: recortes nacionales de las investigaciones Worlds of
Journalism Study y Journalistic Role Performance
01/08 - Modelos profesionales, pautas organizacionales y códigos de ética
02/08 - La perspectiva de la investigación comparativa binacional: desafíos y oportunidades para los
estudios de periodismo en Brasil y Argentina
Dr. Adriana Amado Suárez (Universidad de Buenos Aires - Argentina)15hSPCLASSROOM 220 (DEMONSTRATION ROOM) - SCHOOL OF JOURNALISM (FACOM)
GLAW 1Topics of Internationalization of Research in Law and InnovationThe main objective of this course is to discuss the presence of organized crime in our contemporary world through a perspective of Law and Society. This issue is considered one of the most sensitive topics on the agenda of different countries of the 21st century. The course will discuss the origin of organized crime, the legal and sociological concepts of organized crime, the different manifestations of organized crime, especially those implemented in southern Europe. The Italian experience will be particularly emphasized and comparisons with Brazil and the UK will be made to encourage discussion on organized crime and legal cultures. The interconnections between national and international law will be emphasized, as is the case with the European Union. The complex network of political relations that bind states within and outside Europe, the gaps that occur when the law of books becomes law into action - what makes organized crime a paradigmatic case in the study of Law and Society will also be discussed.Dr. Giuseppe Giura (Polizia di Stato - Università degli Studi di Catania - Italy)15hENCLASSROOM 5 - LAW SCHOOL
Educação Matemática
Mathematics Education
GEDU 1The Qualitative Research in Mathematics Education and Education in the United StatesThematic Unit: The Qualitative Research in Mathematics Education and Education in the United States

1) Historical Trends in Qualitative Research in Mathematics Education in the United States

2) Current Trends of Qualitative Research in Mathematics Education in the United States

3) Design-Research Qualitative Research in Mathematics Education in the United States

4) Connecting Qualitative and Neurocognitive Research in Mathematics Education in the United States

5) Classroom-based Qualitative Research in Mathematics Education in the United States
UEDU1Social and cultural dimensions of mathematics[Graduate Level]
Four dimensions in which mathematics shape and are shaped by social and cultural dimensions will be addressed in this course:

1) The formatting power of mathematics.

2) Shaping meanings in art by the use of mathematics.

3) Language and mathematics design.

4) A strong program in the sociology of mathematical knowledge
Dr. José Manuel Leonardo de Matos (UFJF)6hENCENTRAL AUDITORIUM
(Auditório das Pró-Reitorias)
IAD Institute of Arts and DesignGART 1Ser modernos. Los géneros del arte entre Europa y América Latina siglos XIX y XX¿Qué significó para un artista ser moderno en el siglo XIX? ¿Y en el siglo XX? ¿De qué distintos modos los proyectos modernos se volcaron en las imágenes? ¿Qué particularidades tuvo el proyecto moderno en sus distintas inscripciones geográficas y temporales? Es decir, ¿era lo mismo aspirar a la modernidad en una metrópolis como París a mediados del siglo XIX que en Ciudad de México o Buenos Aires hacia 1920?Dr. Maria Isabel Baldasarre (Universidad Nacional de San Martin - Argentina)15hSPMAMM - MURILO MENDES MODERN ART MUSEUM
Institute of Biological Sciences
GBIO 1Morfología y taxonomía de protistas con énfasis en ciliados peritricos15 Julio: 10-13 hs. Protistas en el contexto general de la diversidad
biológica. Taxonomía actual: Amoebozoa, Opisthokonta, Excavata, SAR y
Archaeplastida. Linajes heterótrofos.
16 Julio: 10-13 hs. Amebozoa: Euamoebida, Arcellinida,Thecamoebida,
Centramoebida, Entamoebidae. Opisthokonta: Choanomonada, Microsporidia.
Excavata: Diplomonadida, Parabasalia, Trichomonadea. Stramenopiles:
Opalinata, Blastocystis, Bicosoecida, Actinophryidae. Rhizaria: Phaeodarea,
Euglyphida, Foraminifera, Acantharia, Polycystinea. Alveolata: Dinoflagellata,
Ciliophora, Apicomplexa.
17 Julio: 10-13 hs. Ciliophora: clasificación actual. Caracterización
18 Julio: 10-13 hs. Ciliophora: Peritrichia. Familias de peritricos:
características citológicas básicas que las distinguen.
19 Julio: 10-13 hs. Ciliophora: Lagenophryidae, Vorticellidae y
Zoothamniidae. Que características citológicas distinguen a estas familias?
Están sus especies distribuidas a nivel mundial? Son especialistas o
GBIO 2Fisiología del Estrés AnimalEl curso contempla una introducción a la Fisiología del Estrés y
Bienestar Animal. Serán abordados conceptos iniciales (conceptos y
definiciones de: Estrés, bienestar, antecedentes, homeostasis, clasificación
del estrés, agudo y crónico, diferentes estresores; euestrés y diestrés,
modelo de la respuesta de éstres). En la secuencia serán tratados los
indicadores bioquímicos, fisiológicos y comportamentales.
Sobre las implicaciones del estrés en la reproducción, serán descriptos los
factores de estrés que repercuten a diferentes niveles del eje hipotálamo-
hipófisis-gonadal y sobre el comportamiento sexual. Además de las
implicaciones del estrés en la inmunidad y salud animal.
Al final serán abordados factores sociales y la respuesta de estrés (factores
ambientales durante la crianza, agrupamiento de animales, destete).
Manejos, prácticas y procedimientos generados por el hombre sobre la
respuesta de estrés de los animales (transporte, descorne, corte de cola,
castración, electroeyaculación, destete, esquila, aislamiento, etc.).
GBIO 3 Nanobiotechnology - Synthesis and Applications of NanomaterialsSynthesis of nanoparticles, biosynthesis of nanoparticles using bacteria and microalgae, characterization and applications of nanomaterials, toxicological impact of nanomaterials.Dr. Roberta Brayner (Université Paris Diderot 7 - France)15h EN"ANFITEATRO" GRADUATE PROGRAM OF BIOLOGY
GBIO 4Microalgal biotechnology with emphasis on bioenergy and environment Microalgal biodiversity , microalgal nutrition, metabolism and photosynthesis in microalgae, engineering of biomass production, bioreactors, microalgal biomass production strategies.Dr. Alberto Reis (Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia)15hENAUDITORIUM OF THE ECOLOGY GRADUATE PROGRAM
GENG 1Modeling and simulation of Distribution SystemsBlock 1: Modeling and simulation of distribution lines (8 hours)
Schedule of block 1: July 23rd, 2019 from 8am to 12pm; July 24th, 2019 from 8am to 12pm
Block 2: Modeling and simulation of transformers (6 hours)
Schedule of block 2: July 25th, 2019 from 8am to 12pm; July 26th, 2019 from 8am to 10am
Block 3: Modeling and simulation of electricity demand (2 hours)
Schedule of block 3: July 26th, 2019 from 10am to 12pm
Block 4: Modeling and simulation of distribution networks in OpenDSS (16 hours)
Schedule of block 4: July 29th, 2019 from 8am to 12pm; July 30th, 2019 from 8am to 12pm; July 31st, 2019 from
8am to 12pm; August 1st from 8am to 12pm
Dr. Jairo Quirós (Universidad de Costa Rica - Costa Rica)
(Building 3 of the School of Engeneering)
GENG 2Special Topics for Bridges: Design, Construction, Testing and MonitoringThe course would follow typical engineering process – from design, through construction and testing,
to opening of the bridge structure to traffic and monitoring of its technical condition. Examples will
concern untypical, modern bridges, as well as advanced methods of construction, testing and monitoring.
The first lecture will be an introduction to the course with some aspects of motivation for students
for active study. The schedule might be insignificantly changed.
Lecture 1:(08/Jul/2019 - 9:00h) Profession of a Bridge Engineer – from students activity to real
challenges (app. 1 hour)
Lecture 2: (08/Jul/2019 - 10:00h) Design of untypical bridges (app. 2 hours)
Lecture 3: (10/Jul/2019 - 8:00h) Advanced construction methods of bridges (app. 2 hours)
Lecture 4: (10/Jul/2019 - 10:00h) Proof-load tests of bridges (app. 2 hours)
Lecture 5: (15/Jul/2019 - 8:00h) Dynamic tests of bridges (app. 2 hours)
Lecture 6: (15/Jul/2019 - 10:00h) Structural Health Monitoring of modern bridges (app. 2 hours)
Lecture 7: (17/Jul/2019 - 8:00h) Special aspects of footbridges’ dynamics I (app. 2 hours)
Lecture 8: (17/Jul/2019 - 10:00h) Special aspects of footbridges’ dynamics II (app. 2 hours)
Dr. Pawel Hawryszkóv, PhD (Wroclaw University of Science and Tecnology - Poland)15hENAUDITORIUM 2 OF SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING (ITAMAR FRANCO BUILDING)
GECO 1Corporate Finance Theory with emphasis in Valuation Methods1) What is it? What is not? Micro Fundamentals Valuation Methods
Cash flows, growth, lifetime
2) Cost of capital CAPM
3) Cost of capital WACC
4) Initial investment and decision
5) Contingent claims
Dr. Fernanda Finotti Cordeiro Perobelli (UFJF)48hENCLASSROOM 1, SECOND FLOOR - SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS
Institute of Human Sciences
GHUM 1Globalizacion y cambio socialEl análisis de la globalización generalmente se realiza de manera contraria a lo que ésta representa, o sea, se la realiza desde un ángulo especifico, dejando en la oscuridad la mayoría de las veces las principales transformaciones que non solo las económicas sino las sociales y culturales, además de las tecnológicas. La gran mayoría cree que la globalización es un fenómeno eminentemente económico, y el error no viene del enfoque, sino del comienzo, de entender que es el sistema capitalista y cómo se construyó desde el protocapitalismo para concluir en lo que Marx define como totalidad. Hoy el mundo está alterado por grandes transformaciones, el trabajo inmaterial y los productos inmateriales, más los imaginarios, remplazan al mundo duro de los productos materiales. Las dimensiones del mundo se han alterado ya que el tiempo y el espacio se transforman, hay una nueva dimensión en la web y ella aloja muchos programas y datos del mundo y el consumo se ha transformado en el motivo de vida y referente para clasificar la calidad de ésta. La artificialidad remplaza aceleradamente el paisaje natural y la naturaleza dejó de ser objeto de admiración para transformarse en objeto de transacción, al igual que el cuerpo human, gran consumista de productos actuales. Estos cambios requieren de una visión transversal que una integre diferentes disciplinas y temas para entender esta globalización. Se propone al sistema lo entender con base en su formación desde la categoría de totalidad, o sea, integrando todos sus aspectos.Dr. Alfredo Argentino Dachary (Universidad de Guadalajara - Mexico)

Dr. Thiago Duarte Pimentel (UFJF)
GHUM 2Teoría Social en America Latina29/07 – Introducción: Sociología de las incompletudes o incompletudes de la sociología? Las posibilidades de desarollo de la
Sociología latinoamericana
30/07 – Pensar desde América Latina: Límite, imposicción o distinción?
31/07 – Pensamiento y intelectuales críticos
01/08 – El giro decolonial: tábula rasa o pensamiento crítico?
02/08 – Repensar los debates latinoamericanos clásicos: raza, desarollo, feminismo y populismo
Dr. Alexis Cortes Morales (Universidad Alberto Hurtado - Chile)15hSPCLASSROOM A-II-03 OF THE INSTITUTE OF HUMAN SCIENCE
GHIS 1Une histoire globale du Temps Présent: enjeux historiographiques, méthodes, pratiquesL' "histoire dutemps présent", appelé aussi "histoire immédiate" ou "histoire récente", constitue un domaine spécifique de l'histoire comtemporaine, dont elle se distingue par ses sources, ses méthodes et ses problématiques. En Europe, son émergence et son institutionnalisation sont directement le produit de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale et de la Shoah. À partir de quelles expériences s'est formé la rapport à la contemporanéité en Amérique Latine, en Afrique subsaharienne, au Maghreb, en Asie au sein des minorités et des diasporas. Quelle place teient le passé dans des ètats, souvent issus des indépendances, considérés comme de jeunes nations ou des "pays du futur"? Quelles formes y prennent les revendications et les politiques mémorielles? La question se pose d'autant plus que ces régions et leur historiographies sont le plus souvent négligées, voire carrément absentes, des synthèses récentes d'histoire globale, plus nombreuses sur le dix-neuvième siècle que sur le monde d'après 1945, et principalement centrèes sur l'Europe et la Chine. Il s'agit donc de mettre à profit les deux sens de l' "histoire globale", expression qui désigne à la fois le processus de mondialisation, l'un des thèmes dominants de ces trente dernière années, et un outil intellectuel, une focale transnationale qui permet, par un jeu d'échelle, de faire apparaître de nouveux questionnements. Dr. Armelle Jeanne Enders (Paris 8 - France)15hFRCLASSROOM A-II-01 OF THE INSTITUTE OF HUMAN SCIENCES
GHIS 2U.OpenLab: Laboratorio para el patrimonio digitalCreado en el contexto de enseñanza/aprendizaje y dirigido por los valores y necesidades de la constante innovación pedagógica, el concepto nuclear desarrollado en la Universidad de Porto y a explorar con esta propuesta de UC - o U.OpenLab se muestra como un facilitador en la interacción entre las necesidades del mundo real y los contenidos digitales a producirse en contexto del "aprender haciendo". El concepto, proceso y plataforma que lo soporta tiene como premisas y objetivos la necesidad de estimular la comunicación y el compartir conocimiento, bien como de fomentar innovación y la creatividad a través de la co-creación y reusó, potenciando la transferencia del conocimiento entre la academia y el mundo real y la aproximación de esta a la sociedad. Su aplicación en el área del Patrimonio da prioridad a desafíos como garantizar la sustentable y continuada disponibilización de contenidos digitales, delante de la falta crónica de recursos para su producción, a la rápida obsolescencia tecnológica y a la urgencia de repensar los modelos de actuación de las instituciones.

1 - El concepto, proceso y plataforma U.Open Lab (2h)
2 - El Patrimonio Cultural y Científico en la Era Digital: necesidades, desafíos y sustentabilidad (2h)
3 - Construcción de narrativas, interacción y comunicación del Patrimonio (4h)
4 - Tecnologías para la producción de contenidos digitales (2h)
5 - Proyectos de casos de buenas prácticas (3h)
6 - Creación de una Ruta para el Patrimonio [elemento de evaluación]

Se pretende que los estudiantes:
- Puedan planear, implementar y evaluar parte de una experiencia digital innovadora;
- Puedan identificar su contribución disciplinar dentro de un proyecto en la área de la producción de experiencias digitales por ejemplo en la área cultural;
- Identifiquen el valor añadido en la creación de una experiencia digital innovadora.
Dr. Maria Manuela Pinto (Universidade do Porto - Portugal)15hSPCLASSROOM A-II-02 OF THE INSTITUTE OF HUMAN SCIENCES
Languages and Literature
GLIT 2 Introducción a la literatura afrohispanoamericana[ULIT 3] La propuesta de curso es expandir los conocimientos en literaturas de la diáspora con enfoque en los países de lengua española de las Américas. Además de la lectura y análisis de los textos literarios, se observará la crítica y la teoría literaria.Dr. Cristina Rodríguez Cabral (North Carolina Central University - USA)15hSPSCIENCE CENTER
GLIT 3Sentence Processing Brazil Global July Course Schedule: Sentence Processing (15 hours)

Professor: Dr. Katy Carlson

July 22, Monday (2pm - 5pm)

Prosodic boundaries and syntactic ambiguity

Speer, Kjelgaard, & Dobroth 1996; Schafer et al. 2000; Beach 1991; Anderson & Carlson 2010; Snedeker & Trueswell 2003; Kraljic & Brennan 2005; Carlson et al. 2003; Watson & Gibson 2004

July 23, Tuesday (2pm - 5pm)

Accents, focus, and processing (Part 1)

Schafer, Carlson et al. 2000; Ito & Speer 2008; Breen et al. 2010; Dahan, Tanenhaus, & Chambers 2002; Watson, Tanenhaus, & Gunlogson 2008; Kurumada et al. 2014; Dennison & Schafer 2010;

July 24, Wednesday (2pm - 5pm)

Accents, focus, and processing (Part 2)

Braun & Tagliapietra 2010; Fraundorf et al. 2010; Carlson & Tyler 2017; Kaiser 2011; Brown-Schmidt et al. 2005; Foraker & McElree

July 25, Thursday (2pm - 5pm)

Ellipsis structures and processing

Phillips & Parker 2012; Martin & McElree 2008, 2011; Kaan et al. 2004; Chung et al. 2011; Shapiro & Hestvik 1998

July 26, Friday (2pm - 5pm)
GMAT 1El método de diferencias finitas y su aplicación en un algoritmo de direcciones factibles para problemas de complementaridadEl curso consiste de presentar el método de diferencias finitas y condiciones de optimalidad de Karush-Khun-Tucker. Estudiaremos también un algoritmo de direcciones factibles para problemas de complementaridad, el algoritmo propuesto es importante porque muchos modelos matemáticos pueden ser escritos como problemas de complementaridad no lineal. En este curso presentaremos modelos unidimensionales describiendo la difusión de oxígeno dentro de una célula y el proceso de combustión in situ, los cuales serán discretizados mediante diferencias finitas y aplicar el algoritmo estudiado a la forma discreta.

23/07 de 09h às 12h: Método de Diferenças Finitas para equações diferenciaias parciais.
25/07 de 09h às 12h: Introdução as condições de otimalidade de Karush-Khun-Tucker.
30/07 de 09h às 12h: Introdução aos problemas de complementaridade não linear e complementaridade mista.
01/08 de 09h às 12h: Estudo de um algoritmo para problemas de complementaridade não linear.
06/08 de 09h às 12h: Estudo de um algoritmo para problemas de complementaridade mista.
Dr. Angel Enrique Ramirez Gutierrez (Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería - Peru)15hSPMATHEMATICS AUDITORIUM
GMAT 2Topological and variational methods for partial differential equations22/07 de 14h às 17h: The existence and uniqueness of solutions for the ordinary differential equations.
23/07 de 14h às 17h: The Sturm Liouville theory.
24/07 de 14h às 17h: The variational methods for partial differential equations.
25/07 de 14h às 17h: The degree theory.
26/07 de 14h às 17h: The bifurcation theory.
Dr. Ryuji Kajikiya (University of Saga - Japan)15hENMATHEMATICS AUDITORIUM
Course Series: Evidence-based Chronic Illness Care, a Public Health Challenge for the 21 st Century (GMED 1 + GMED 2 + GMED 3)
GMED 1Organizing and Delivering High Quality Care for Chronic ConditionsMonday
09:30 AM-09:45 AM - Evidence Based Chronic Illness Care: The Chronic Care Model.
09:45 AM-10:30 AM - The Burden of Chronic Diseases: Status, Global & National Goals.
10:30 AM-11:00 AM - Break
11:00 AM-11:45 AM - A Model for Improvement. Conference and Introduction of Group Activity.
11:45 AM-12:30 PM - Exercise
12:30 PM-02:00 PM - Lunch
02:00 PM-03:30 PM - Exercise A Model for Improvement. Individual/Group Work.
03:30 PM-05:00 PM - Presentation of results
09:00 AM-09:45 AM - Delivery System Design.
09:45 AM-10:30 AM - Evidence Based Medicine
10:30 AM-11:15 AM - Decision Support. Introduction to the AGREE exercise.
11:15 AM-11:45 PM - Coffee Break
11:45 AM-12:30 PM - Exercise
12:30 PM-02:00 PM - Lunch
02:00 PM-03:30 PM - Group Activity: The AGREE Questionnaire.
03:30 PM-05:00 PM - Presentation of result the AGREE questionnaire
Dr. Alberto Barceló

Dr. Maria Cristina Escobar
GMED 2Monitoring quality of chronic illness care09:00 AM-09:45 AM - Summary of the CCM components.
09:45 AM-10:30 AM - Clinical Information System
10:30 AM-11:00 AM - Coffee Break
11:00 AM-11:45 AM - The Chronic Care Passport
11:45 AM-12:30 PM - Evaluating the Structure for Chronic Care
01:45 PM-02:45 PM - Lunch
02:45 PM-04:00 PM - Group Activity: Structure for Chronic Care Questionnaire
Dr. Alberto Barceló

Dr. Maria Cristina Escobar
GMED 3Helping Patients & their Communities Thursday
09:00 AM-10:00 AM - Clinical Information System.
10:00 AM-11:00 AM - Evaluating patient self-management. The PACIC questionnaire and the Self-efficacy questionnaire.
11:00 AM-11:30 AM - Coffee Break
11:30 AM-01:00 PM - The PACIC and self-efficacy questionnaires. Group Work & Discussion
01:00 PM-02:00 PM - Lunch
02:00 PM-04:00 PM - Introduction to the ACIC questionnaire.
09:00 AM-09:30 AM - Community Linkages.
09:30 AM-12:00 PM - The Program of Self-Management for Healthy Life-Style (AVISA)
12:00 PM-01:00 PM - Linking patients to health providers evaluation of self-management programs.
01:00 PM-02:00 PM - Lunch
02:00 PM-03:00 PM - The ACIC questionnaire. Preparing an intervention plan based on the results of the ACIC questionnaire
3:00 PM- 04:00 PM - Presentation of results
04:00 PM - Adjourn
Dr. Alberto Barceló

Dr. Sandra Delón
GMED 4Reading studies in english language medical journals1. The challenge of interpreting medical studies. What is truth? Assessing levels of evidence;
2. Introduction. Review of medical and research terms in English that are commonly used in published studies;
3. How research studies are structured. What to look for when reading a research article. - Study design, - Population included, - Measurement, - Data sources, variables included and how designed, timing, - Analysis, - Interpretation of finding;
4. Population and measurement. Analysis, sample size, missing data, type of statistics used and interpretation;
5. Case series and cross-sectional studies. - Overview of characteristics, - Examples of published studies;
6. Cohort Studies. - Overview of characteristics, - Review of an article;
7. Case-Control Studies. - Overview of characteristics, - Review of an article;
8. Randomized Clinical Trials. - Types of Clinical Trials, - Pros and Cons. Clinical trials vs. observational studies - the role of each, - Review of an article;
9. Systematic Reviews. - Literature Reviews, - Meta-analyses;
10. Qualitative studies and patient reported outcomes;
11. Is this a good study? In class group discussion of hormone therapy and women’s heart disease. Observational study vs. the Women’s Health Initiative;
12. Is this a good study? Survival after radical prostatectomy for prostate cancer;
13. How to find guidelines. How to find studies. - Search engines, - Peer reviewed journals, open access, - Impact factors. Other Important resources;
14. Discussion of an article selected by the class;
15. Discussion of an article selected by the class.
Dr. Joan Warren (National Cancer Institute - USA)15hEN"ANFITEATRO" NATES - NURSING SCHOOL
Serviço Social
Social Services
GSCO 1Trabajo social en la contemporaneidad: una interpelación a la intervenciónLos procesos sociales siempre dinámicos y contradictorios van dando cuenta de diferentes configuraciones sociales. Las relaciones de fuerza de los sectores sociales que detentan intereses contrapuestos, los cambios en las formas de producir riqueza, las transformaciones culturales y tecnológicas, entre otros aspectos actúan como variables significativas en esas mismas configuraciones. Los sectores que resultan “ganadores” de las pujas que al interior de la sociedad se da, van a intentar mantener la integración de esa sociedad. Para ello delinearán mecanismos que aporten significativamente a estos objetivos a través de diversas estrategias de intervención social. De este modo concebimos a la intervención social como un entramado complejo de concepciones, decisiones, disposiciones y acciones cuya intencionalidad última es mantener integrada a la sociedad respondiendo a los conflictos que emergen en su seno.
Es así que de acuerdo a las configuraciones de lo social de cada momento la intervención social se desplegará de acuerdo a las ideas predominantes que guían los proyectos políticos hegemónicos, en tanto y como referimos en párrafos anteriores, mediante estas estrategias se intenta regular los procesos sociales. De allí que la intervención social puede ser totalmente represiva o responder reconociendo los derechos ciudadanos, encontrando como intermedios diversas modalidades. En las sociedades capitalistas que presentan a la desigualdad como condición estructurante, las relaciones de fuerza de los sectores sociales en pugna define de algún modo el carácter de esa intervención.
De esta manera, la intervención social adquiere características diferenciadas constituyéndose en un campo contradictorio que manifiesta las relaciones de poder de los diferentes sectores sociales en un momento dado, expresando tanto coerción como consenso. Sin lugar a dudas, los modelos de Estado y su relación con la sociedad se convierten en un tópico necesario para comprender las formas que va adquiriendo.
Por otra parte, las intervenciones profesionales se articulan a estas estrategias, y desde sus autonomías relativas afianzan o resignifican los modos en que se direccionan las respuestas a los “problemas sociales”. Es así que resulta necesario realizar el esfuerzo de elucidación sobre esta relación, la construcción de las autonomías relativas, las situaciones en que se interviene, los límites y alcances de las intervenciones profesionales.
Trabajo Social fue adquiriendo relevancia como profesión con el desarrollo de la institucionalidad social definida en la sociedad salarial y, en tanto tal, hoy se siente conmocionada frente a las nuevas formas que adquiere la intervención social. De allí la importancia de discutir sobre este campo particular, sus características y las diferentes perspectivas teóricas epistemológicas que lo atraviesan, donde juegan visiblemente lo disciplinar e interdisciplinar.
En este seminario discutiremos en primer lugar a la intervención social como problemática teórica, para luego reconocer las articulaciones y diferenciaciones entre la intervención social y la intervención profesional. En tercer término nos abocamos a una problematización sobre el proceso de intervención profesional para finalizar con el tema de los sujetos de la intervención profesional, teniendo en cuenta aquí no solo a los otros de la relación sino incorporando al propio trabajador social como sujeto y las cuestiones éticas que atraviesan toda intervención profesional.
Química ChemistryGCHE 1Emulsions, colloids and interfaces in foodsFundamental concepts of emulsions, colloids and interface effects applied to food
1. Food matrix constituents
2. Molecules of interest
3. Interaction between constituents
4. Stability of matrices
5. Stability of emulsions
6. Emulsions as bioactive carriers
7. Development of functional foods
8. Milk as an ingredient
Dr. Milena Corredig (Aarhus University)15hEN"ANFITEATRO" ICE
Conteúdo acessível em Libras usando o VLibras Widget com opções dos Avatares Ícaro, Hosana ou Guga. Conteúdo acessível em Libras usando o VLibras Widget com opções dos Avatares Ícaro, Hosana ou Guga.