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Drying versus technological and nutritional properties of a wide range of ingredients: research and trends

Focus: Pharmacy

The aim of the course is to discuss the spray drying technology and the relation between technological parameters and properties of different powders materials. The course is specially focus on natural materials.
-Introduction to the course (1h)
-Spray drying fundamentals (2h)
-Research and tendencies in spray drying and material properties (4h)
-Drying in the pilot plant (3h)
-Drying of natural extract in pilot plant (5h)

Professor: Ítalo Tuler Perrone (UFJF)

Language: English

Mode of instruction: on campus

Courseload: 15 hours

Date&Time: coming soon

Target audience: undergraduate and graduate

Spots available: 10 (this number may change in order to comply with Covid-19 safety protocols)

Sustainable Development Goals (SDG): 

SDG 9 – Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

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