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Arts / Literature

LLA01 Brazilian Literature and Brazilian Studies

LLA02 Afro-Brazilian Literature: Machado de Assis and Maria Firmina dos Reis

LLA03 A Moveable Feast: The Lost Generation in 1920s Paris

LLA04 Brazilian literature in English – outline and challenges in translation

LLA05 Pensamientos y Prácticas Womanistas: Descolonizando los Imaginarios y las Epistemologías en las Representaciones de las Mujeres Africanas y de la Diáspora Africana

LLA06 “Trovami il fiume di gennaio”. La canzone brasiliana e la popular music italiana

LLA07 Decolonial Game Design

LLA08 Topics in Piano Performance

LLA09 Introduction to Manufacturing Processes a perceptual learning approach

LLA10 Concepts of 3D modeling and understanding of form

LLA11 Introduction to Portuguese


Biological Sciences / Health

BIO01 Resistencia bacteriana: desafíos y alternativas modernas para la industria de alimentos

BIO02 Fisiología del estrés animal

HEA01 Theories and approaches in neurosciences

HEA02 Ventilatory Support in COVID-19 patients

HEA03 Evidence-based health

HEA04 Scientific Communication in English

HEA05 Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology: Current Aspects and Future Perspectives 

HEA06 Introduction to Heart Rate Variability


Humanities / Social Sciences

HUM01 La presenza di “Socrate” nel pensiero del filosofo ceco Jan Patočka

HUM02 Plato’s philosophy of language: on Cratylus’ discussion of naturalism and conventionalism

HUM03 Politique et anthropologie dans l’histoire de la pensée philosophique

HUM04 Prácticas de formación de profesores

SSC01 Crisis o transformación del sistema mundial: geopolítica, capitalismo y pandemia

SSC02 Introduction to International Labour Law

SSC03 Sociology of space: recents theorical and methodological development

SSC04 Topics of public health in an international context

SSC05 El Sistema Interamericano de Protección de los Derechos Humanos

SSC07 Dynamics of Tourism: A Special Emphasis on Health and Wellness Tourism focusing on Ayurveda

SSC08 Three lectures on Critical Realism

SSC09 Derechos Humanos y Corporaciones Transnacionales


STEM – Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics

STE01 Método de diferencias finitas para un problema de advección-difusión evolutivo

STE02 Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Experiments

STE03 Electricity Markets and New Business: Models Are we ready for a consumer-centric Market?

STE04 Methods of environmental risk assessment

STE05 Introduction to astro particle physics

STE06 Asymmetric Homogeneous Catalysis – An Introduction

STE07 What kind of mathematical education do we need in the 21st century in the pandemic crisis?

STE08 Social justice in a pandemic and post-pandemic world through the lens of ethnomathematics and creative insubordination

STE09 Data Science and Data Intensive Scalable Computing

STE10 Waste Management: a Brazilian overview, challenges and opportunities.

STE11 Cache Efficient Computing

STE12 Análisis de Vibraciones Mecánicas Aplicado al Diagnóstico de Maquinaria