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Biochemical, physico-chemical and technological aspects of whey proteins and processed cheese

The course about (whey) proteins starts with a basic introduction about prote to leverage students knowlegde. It will include a general description on where do whey proteins come from, on how proteins are assembled (the milk casein) and deals also with the different physical forces acting within and on proteins. A historical retrospective on whey protein functionalization, details on the denaturation and microparticulation process and its functional application as fat reducer and creaminess enhancer is explained in detail. The course about process cheese making will teach the students about the important aspects of raw materi understanding (cheese, dairy powders, concentrates, etc) and on the interactions of the emulsifving salts with the calcium in the casein, the effect of shear and heat treatment (processing), pH on the structure of the processed cheese. It also highlight major differences between acid and rennet coagulated cheeses and ends with the utilization of processed cheese as a food ingredient.


Professor: Alan Frederick Wolfschoon Pombo (abre em nova janela)

Instituição: Universidade Técnica de Munique (abre em nova janela)

Língua ministrada: Inglês

Carga horária: 15 horas

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