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Before traveling


All international students must obtain a valid passport and student visa (VITEM IV) before travelling to Brazil. You should apply for a passport as soon as you are accepted in the program, as the process can take several weeks. After receiving the Acceptance Letter from UFJF, you can apply for a student visa. Visa processing can take up to 30 (thirty) days. Information about the required documents for a visa application form can be found on the internet on the website of the Brazilian embassy in your country. The complete list of the Brazilian embassies and consulates around the world can be found at: http://www.itamaraty.gov.br/pt-BR/relacoes-bilaterais. Contact the Brazilian representatives in your country in advance and beware: after receiving your visa you have 90 (ninety) DAYS to enter the Brazilian territory. If you don’t come to Brazil within this period, your visa will be no longer valid!


Students must insure themselves at their home countries. It’s the students’ responsibility to contract with a health insurance service. Please check the insurance companies’ rules before leaving your country and bring some verification with you. Also, check the vaccinations you need in Brazil. We strongly recommend you to take a yellow fever shot, especially if you intend to visit other parts of the country, like rainforest areas and rivers of the Northern and Midwest regions. The vaccine against yellow fever is distributed for free by the local public medical departments of the Brazilian cities and should be taken 10 days before your trip to endangered areas to be protected in case you have not been vaccinated before. More information at: http://bvsms.saude.gov.br/bvs/febreamarela/viajantes.php


We strongly recommend students to make a previous reservation in some type of accommodation before their arrival at Juiz de Fora, either temporary or permanent. The rental conditions vary, depending on the quality and location of the accommodation, between R$500 and R$900 per month. UFJF does not provide student housing yet, but we suggest you look for accommodation in neighborhoods near UFJF. Popular neighborhoods for students are São Pedro, São Mateus, Centro, Cascatinha, Granbery.

The Buddy Program, a group of students whose goal is to welcome and introduce international students to our local community, is matching international students with Brazilians who wish to share their houses and rooms. If you are interested in sharing a house with a Brazilian family or Brazilian students during your stay, please fill in this form:

Form for external students

On the other hand, Brazilians who are interested in hosting an international student are encouraged to fill this form:

Form for Brazilians


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