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Bases of clinical and functional neuroanatomy

Focus: Rehabilitation Sciences and Physical-Functional Performance

Introduction to Neurosciences (REBN and AANC)
Basic aspects of neuroanatomy and neurophysiology (FC)
Unveiling motor system (AANC)
Exploring brain structures (Anatomy laboratory) (AANC, AGO, ABR, REBN)
The sick brain and the mystery of degenerative diseases (MCFJ e REBN)
Students presentation session: Letícia Medeiros

Language: English 

Host: Anaelli Aparecida Nogueira Campos
Alice Belleigoli Rezende
André Gustavo Fernandes de Oliveira

Lecturer: Ruben Ernesto de Bittencourt Navarrete (UFRJ-Brazil)
Les Keniston (University of Pikeville-USA)
Marcones Cavalcanti França Junior (UNICAMP-Brazil)

Mode of instruction: online ( via Classroom) and in  Science Center, Auditorium 3


Date&Time: Aug 2, 1-5pm (online); Aug 5, 9am-5pm; Aug 7, time to be confirmed

Target audience: undergraduate and graduate students

Spots available:100

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