Focus: Public Health
This course considers the growing number of peer-reviewed articles published in English-language medical journals and the challenge of assessing the quality of these studies. It introduces how to search for available studies in the scientific literature, the structure of the articles, and the critical evaluation of published results. It presents differing designs of research studies, enabling professionals to appreciate the results of available scientific literature, with an emphasis on the search for clinical-epidemiological evidence relevant to their practice. It introduces various resources for clinical treatment guidelines needed to evaluate studies. Finally, it presents information on the process of submitting a study to a journal and peer-review.
Host: Maria Teresa Bustamante Teixeira
Lecturer: Joan Warren (National Cancer Institute/NIH- USA)
Place: Science Center, Auditorium 1
Courseload: 15
Date&Time: Jul 22-26, 2-5pm
Target audience:graduate students
Spots available:25
Sustainable Development Goals (SDG): 3 and 4