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A Moveable Feast: The Lost Generation of 1920s Parts

2020 testifies parallels among the expatriate art community who lives in Paris between the two World Wars and virtual artistic manifestations, imaginating the creative geniuses collaboration and artistic fields fusion to the future generations. We will explore the literary creative production, visual and musical original from The Lost Generation, with focus in literary works and recent discoveries of Hemingway, Ftizgerald, Stein, Dos Passos, Praia and others expatriates. We will explore related critics and theoretical applications. We will define the legacy and the lasting creative genie of The Lost Generation which stablished creative ways for a new generation of artists.


Professor: Carole A. Champagne (abre em nova janela)

Instituição: University of Maryland Eastern Shore (abre em nova janela)

Língua ministrada: Inglês

Carga horária: 15 horas

Aceita alunos de pós-graduação.

Conteúdo acessível em Libras usando o VLibras Widget com opções dos Avatares Ícaro, Hosana ou Guga. Conteúdo acessível em Libras usando o VLibras Widget com opções dos Avatares Ícaro, Hosana ou Guga.