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A Moveable Feast: The Lost Generation in 1920s Paris

Focus:  Literature (History, Biography)


2020 demonstrated parallels that served as testimonies to the expatriate arts community thriving in Paris between the two World Wars. Current virtual artistic retrospectives and manifestations pay homage to the collaboration and
competition between several creative geniuses across artistic genres.
We will explore literary works, visual arts, and musical and performing arts of The Lost Generation, while focusing on literary production by Hemingway, Fitzgerald, Stein, Dos Passos, Joyce, and other expatriates. We will analyze
recent criticism and theoretical applications of literary genres. We will discuss the legacy and enduring creative inspiration of The Lost Generation and its relevance for subsequent generations of artists.

Professor: Carole A. Champagne (University of hMaryland Eastern Shore, USA) (Opens in new window)

Language: English

Courseload: 6 hours

Date&Time: 19th-21st, 3-5 pm  (Brasilia time zone)

Target audience: graduate

Spots available: 100

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