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Digital Twins of the Heart

Focus: Computational Modeling

Introduction to Computational Medicine. Motivation. Need for computer science in medicine. Computational tools in medicine: data processing, computer modelling and simulation. The concept of the ‘Digital Twin’ and the ‘Virtual Physiological Human’. Computational cardiology as an exemplar.

Cardiac anatomy and physiology. Overview of physiology and anatomy underlying cardiac function, with details on cellular electrophysiological function and contraction, as well as basic principles of cardiac mechanics and cardiac macroscopic anatomy. Structure morphology in normal and pathological cases. Microscopic structure and molecular organisation.

Modelling anatomy Cardiac imaging, computational pipelines for image segmentation and registration.

Modelling and simulation of human whole-heart electrophysiology Mathematical theory underpinning models of electrical propagation. Comparison of propagation models and forward calculation methods. Patient-specific simulations of whole-organ electrophysiology.

Modelling complex dynamics in the heart: Mathematical theory of complex dynamics, oscillations and chaos in the human heart.

The ‘Digital Twin’ Computational techniques for the Digital Twin vision in medicine. Application and impact in cardiology. Synergies between mechanistic and statistical models in medicine.

In silico trials for medical therapy evaluation Importance of modelling and simulation in the development of novel therapies, construction of virtual cohorts, conceptual framework for its regulatory use, key examples of impact of in silico trials in therapy development in medicine, implications for the replacement of animals in research.

Verification, validation and uncertainty quantification for computational medicine (Lectures 19-20). Conceptual framework, importance and methods for VVUQ in computational medicine. Existing guidelines and outlook.


Host: Rodrigo Weber dos Santos, Bernardo Martins Rocha, Joventino de Oliveira Campos

Lecturer: Blanca Rodriguez (University of Oxford -UK)

Fernando Otaviano Campos (Kings College London -UK)

Mode of instruction: Science Center, Auditorium 1

Courseload: 15h

Date&Time: Aug 5-9, 2-5pm

Target audience: undergraduate and graduate students

Spots available: 60

Sustainable Development Goals (SDG): 3, 4 and 9