Focus: Physiotherapy
Why is health information so conflicting? Is there a place where health information is reliable? What should I consider when encountering something that seems magical? How is the health system affected by these issues?
These questions guide this Evidence-Based Health course.
The use of EBH ensures that clinical practice is based in the light of the best scientific evidence and patient benefits as a result. The use of EBH also results in more consistent clinical recommendations and practices across the health service.
The definition of EBH evolve the integration of 3 components for best decision making:
1) the best evidence,
2) individual practitioner’s clinical expertise, and
3) patients’ preference.
Professors: Carla Malaguti (UFJF)
Language: English
Courseload: 3 hours
Date&Time: 19th, 9am – 12pm (Brasilia time zone)
Target audience: undergraduate and graduate
Spots available: 20