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Below the Undergraduate and Graduate Courses. /Abaixo, os Cursos de Graduação e Pós-graduação.

Area of knowledge
FocusCourses Code
Languages, Literature and ArtsComparative Literatures, Afro-Brazilian, Afro-American LiteratureBrazilian Literature and Brazilian Studies

Languages, Literature and Arts
Afro-Brazilian LiteratureAfro-Brazilian Literature: Machado de Assis and Maria Firmina dos Reis

Languages, Literature and ArtsLiterature (History, Biography)A Moveable Feast: The Lost Generation in 1920s ParisLLA03
Languages, Literature and ArtsTranslationBrazilian literature in English - outline and challenges in translationLLA04
Languages, Literature and ArtsAfrican StudiesPensamientos y Prácticas Womanistas: Descolonizando los Imaginarios y las Epistemologías en las Representaciones de las Mujeres Africanas y de la Diáspora AfricanaLLA05
Languages, Literature and ArtsLanguages and Literature“Trovami il fiume di gennaio”. La canzone brasiliana e la popular music italianaLLA06
Languages, Literature and ArtsArtes e DesignDecolonial Game DesignLLA07
Languages, Literature and ArtsMusicTopics in Piano PerformanceLLA08
Languages, Literature and ArtsDesignIntroduction to Manufacturing Processes: a perceptual learning approachLLA09
Languages, Literature and ArtsDesignConcepts of 3D modeling and understanding of formLLA10
Languages, Literature and ArtsLanguagesIntroduction to Portuguese LLA11
Area of knowledge
FocusCourses Code
Biological Sciences
Applied MicrobiologyResistencia bacteriana: desafíos y alternativas modernas para la industria de alimentos


Biological Sciences
Animal Phisiology
Fisiología del estrés animal

NeurophysiologyTheories and approaches in neurosciences

PneumologyVentilatory Support in COVID-19 patients
PhysiotherapyEvidence-based healthHEA03
NursingScientific Communication in EnglishHEA04
OdontologyOral and Maxillofacial Radiology: Current Aspects and Future PerspectivesHEA05
PhysiotherapyIntroduction to Heart Rate VariabilityHEA06
Area of knowledge
FocusCourses Code
PhilosophyLa presenza di "Socrate" nel pensiero del filosofo ceco Jan Patočka


PhilosophyPlato's philosophy of language: on Cratylus' discussion of naturalism and conventionalism

HumanitiesPhilosophyPolitique et anthropologie dans l'histoire de la pensée philosophique.

EducationPrácticas de formación de profesores
Applied Social SciencesSociologyCrisis o transformación del sistema mundial: geopolítica, capitalismo y pandemiaSSC01
Applied Social SciencesLabor LawIntroduction to International Labour LawSSC02
Applied Social SciencesSociologySociology of space: recents theorical and methodological developmentSSC03
Applied Social SciencesPublic AdministrationTopics of public health in an international contextSSC04
Applied Social SciencesHuman RightsEl Sistema Interamericano de Protección de los Derechos HumanosSSC05
Applied Social SciencesTourismDynamics of Tourism: A Special Emphasis on Health and Wellness Tourism focusing on AyurvedaSSC07
Applied Social SciencesSociologyThree lectures on Critical RealismSSC08
Applied Social SciencesLawDerechos Humanos y Corporaciones TransnacionalesSSC09
Area of knowledge
FocusCourses Code
STEM MathematicsMétodo de diferencias finitas para un problema de advección-difusión evolutivo

STEM StatisticsIntroduction to the Design and Analysis of Experiments

STEM EngineeringElectricity Markets and New Business Models: Are we ready for a consumer-centric Market?STE03
STEM Geology, Pedology, Environmental RisksMethods of environmental risk assessmentSTE04
STEM PhysicsIntroduction to astro particle physicsSTE05
STEM Organic ChemistryAsymmetric Homogeneous Catalysis - An IntroductionSTE06
STEM Education, Mathematical EducationWhat kind of mathematical education do we need in the 21st century in the pandemic crisis?STE07
STEM Education, Mathematical EducationSocial justice in a pandemic and post-pandemic world through the lens of ethnomathematics and creative insubordinationSTE08
STEM Computer ScienceData Science and Data Intensive Scalable ComputingSTE09
STEM Environmental EngineeringWaste Management: a Brazilian overview, challenges and opportunities.STE10
STEM Computer ScienceCache Efficient ComputingSTE11
STEM Mechanical EngineeringAnálisis de Vibraciones Mecánicas Aplicado al Diagnóstico de MaquinariaSTE12