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Permanent professors

Professor Alessandra Souza Melett Brum

PhD in Multimedia (UNICAMP, 2009)

Area of expertise: Cinema and film history.

Professor Ana Paula Pereira Costa

PhD in Social History (UFRJ, 2010)

Area of expertise: Modern history, history of colonial Brazil, history of the elites, slavery and military history in colonial Brazil.

Professor Carina Martins Costa

PhD in History, Politics and Cultural Heritage (FGV, 2010)

Area of expertise: Historical museums, with a focus on exhibition expographic and educational narratives, especially the production of communication and educational materials.

Professor Carla Maria Carvalho de Almeida (PQ/CNPq)

PhD in History (UFF, 2001)

Area of expertise: History of the Portuguese Empire, American slavery, the Old Regime and its economic and social elites.

Professor Cláudia Maria Ribeiro Viscardi (PQ/CNPq)

PhD in Social History (UFRJ, 1999)

Area of expertise: Political and social history of Brazil from the late nineteenth century to the late 1930s, focusing on political institutions, political cultures, and the intellectual history of politics.

Professor Denise da Silva Menezes do Nascimento

PhD in Social History (USP, 2009)

Area of expertise: Medieval history, with special attention to studies of female religiosity and relationships of solidarity and strategies of control and agency.

Professor Fernanda Nascimento Thomaz

PhD in History (UFF, 2012)

Area of expertise: History of Africa, specifically Mozambique, focusing on topics related to colonialism, legal pluralism, intersectionality of race, class and gender.

Professor Fernando Perlatto Bom Jardim (PQ/CNPq)

PhD in Sociology (UERJ, 2013)

Area of expertise: History of Republican Brazil and history of the present time, focusing on dictatorship, democracy, public history, intellectual history and memory disputes.

Professor Hebe Maria da Costa Mattos Gomes de Castro (PQ/CNPq)

PhD in History (UFF, 1993)

Area of expertise: History of Brazil, with an emphasis on slavery, abolition, memory, video-history and oral history.

Professor Hevelly Ferreira Acruche

PhD in History (UFF, 2017)

Area of expertise: History of Brazil and the Americas in the colonial and independent periods, with an emphasis on indigenous and African slavery, diplomatic relations, border regions, and inter-American cooperation.

Professor Ignácio José Godinho Delgado

PhD in Sociology and Politics (UFMG, 1999)

Area of expertise: Business, development, industrial policy, social policy, social security, health systems, and citizenship.

Professor Leandro Pereira Gonçalves (PQ/CNPq)

PhD in History (PUC-SP, 2012)

Area of expertise: History of Latin America, Iberian History and History of Republican Brazil. With a transnational approach, research and guides works with emphasis on studies on the right, fascism, corporativism, integralism, salazarism and francoism.

Profa. Dra. Maíra Ines Vendrame (PQ/CNPq)

PhD in History (PUCRS, 2013)

Area of expertise: History of Brazil, International Migration, Rural World, Crime and Justice, Micro-history, Studies of Trajectory, Public History.


Professor Maraliz de Castro Viera Christo (PQ/CNPq)

PhD in History (UNICAMP, 2005)

Area of expertise: History of art in Brazil in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, history of art in the nineteenth century, comparative studies in art history, and history of and collections at the Mariano Procópio Museum (Museu Mariano Procópio).

Professor Marcos Olender

PhD in Architecture and Urbanism (UFBA, 2007)

Area of expertise: Revitalization, conservation and restoration, heritage protection instruments, cultural heritage policy and management, and history of modern and contemporary architecture.

Professor Maria Claudia Bonadio

PhD in History (UNICAMP, 2005)

Area of expertise: History of fashion and its relations with consumption, gender and visual culture; Fashion and museums; History of consumption and advertising; History of women and LGBTQIAPN+ groups in the twentieth century.

Professor Martinho Alves da Costa Júnior

PhD in History (UNICAMP, 2013)

Area of expertise: History of art and culture, particularly the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, art and culture of the late nineteenth century, comparativism in art history, and history of cinema.

Professor Mateus Rezende Andrade

PhD in History (UFMG, 2018)

Area of expertise: Historical sociology, economics and population, historical demography, family history, slave societies, and analysis of social networks, social mobility, hierarchies and inequalities.

Professor Mônica Ribeiro de Oliveira

PhD in History (UFF, 1999)

Area of expertise: Slavery, the free population of color, and family history and agrarian societies in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.

Professor Odilon Caldeira Neto

PhD in History (UFRGS, 2016)

Area of expertise: Contemporary history and history of the present time, as well as the history of Republican Brazil, with a focus on fascisms, neo-fascisms, the radical right wing and political uses of the past.

Professor Renata Oliveira Caetano

PhD in Art (UERJ, 2017)

Area of expertise: History of art and culture, in particular the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, collections, manuscripts (artists’ letters and notebooks), relationships between drawing and writing, and art education.

Professor Robert Daibert Júnior

PhD in Social History (UFRJ, 2007)

Area of expertise: Afro-Brazilian religious experiences in Brazil (eighteenth and nineteenth centuries), black intellectual thought, religion and writing of the self, African literature, religion, slavery and abolitionism.

Professor Rodrigo Christofoletti

PhD in History, Politics and Cultural Heritage (FGV, 2010)

Area of expertise: Comparative studies between world and humanity heritage; international cultural relations; cultural diplomacy; legislation of cultural goods; education in heritage; case studies of material heritage; immaterial and natural heritage; soft power.


Professor Silvana Mota Barbosa

PhD in History (UNICAMP, 2001)

Area of expertise: Social history of politics, in particular the question of women, political powers, parties, circulation of printed matter and the press throughout the nineteenth century in Brazil and the Americas.

Professor Tatyana de Amaral Maia

PhD in History (UERJ, 2010)

Area of expertise: History of the Brazilian Republic, Public History with emphasis on cultural policies, civil-military dictatorship, intellectuals, heritage, rights.

Professor Thiago Henrique Mota (PQ/CNPq)

PhD in Social History of Culture/History of Africa (UFMG/University of Lisbon, 2018)

Area of expertise: History of Africa prior to 1900, with a focus on the Maghreb, West Africa and Portuguese-speaking African countries, Atlantic history, history of Islam in Africa and the Muslim diasporas.


Professor Toni Morant I Ariño

PhD in History (Universitat de València, 2014)

Area of expertise: Transnational History, fascism, public space, gender relations and women’s history.


Professor Vitor Izecksohn

PhD in History (University of New Hampshire, 2001)

Collaborating professors

Professor Alexandre Mansur Barata

PhD in History (UNICAMP, 2002)

Area of expertise: Political and cultural history of Portuguese America (late seventeenth century and early nineteenth century), history of Brazil (nineteenth century), and history of Minas Gerais (nineteenth century).

Professor Francisco Carlos Teixeira da Silva

PhD in Social History (UFF, 1991)

Area of expertise: Modern and contemporary history, economic and social development, international relations, military history and studies of the present time.


Professor Jorge Luiz Ferreira

PhD in Social History (USP, 1996)

Area of expertise: History of the Brazilian Republic, with an emphasis on studies of political history and cultural history.


Professor Patricia Santos Hansen

PhD in Social History (USP, 2007)

Area of expertise: Intellectual History and Gender; History of Intellectuals; History of the Book, Edition and Reading; Historiography and History Teaching; Nationalisms and Childhood.


Professor Ronaldo Pereira de Jesus

PhD in Social History (USP, 2001)

Area of expertise: History of the Empire of Brazil and the First Republic, on topics such as associative culture, mutualism, social movements, popular classes, and formation of the working class.


Professor Valéria Marques Lobo

PhD in Political Science (IUPERJ, 2005)

Area of expertise: Worlds of labor, democracy, trade union structure, trade union and labor legislation, labor judiciary, citizenship and the labor market.

Professor Wallace Andrioli Guedes

PhD in History (UFF, 2016)

Area of expertise: Cinema and Brazilian military dictatorship, cinemas, and authoritarian regimes, film censorship, History of Brazil and Contemporary History in the twentieth century.

Visiting professors

Professor Alessandro Peregalli

PhD in Latin American Studies, (National Autonomous University of Mexico, 2021)

Area of expertise: Contemporary History of Latin America, Critical Geopolitics, Latin America Social Social Thought, Geography of Social Conflicts, Critical Logistics.

Professor Carles Viñas Gracia

PhD in Contemporary History (Universitat de Barcelona, 2013)

Area of expertise: Youth Cultures, nationalism, political and sporting extremism.

Professor Carlos Benítez Trindad

PhD in History (Pablo de Olavide University/UFBA, 2017)

Area of expertise: Indigenous History and Indigenism, Civil-Military Dictatorship, Transnational History.

Professor Charlotte de Castelnau-L’Estoile

PhD in History (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, 1999)

Area of expertise: History of Brazil, Colonial Catholicism, and slavery in the colonial societies of America, Jesuits in colonial Brazil.

Professor Clément A. Akassi

Ph.D. in Afro-Latin American Literature and Studies (Universidad de Alcalá, 2004)

Research Areas: African and diasporic studies, Afro-Latinidad/Afro-Latinx Studies, African/diasporic feminism, Afro-postcolonial and Afro-decolonial theories.

Professor Maria Ines Valdívia

PhD in History (UFRGS, 2022)

Area of expertise: Intellectual History, History of Political Ideas, Women’s history, Latin America History.