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Carina Martins Costa


SiteLattes | ORCID

Associate professor at the Department of Architecture and Urbanism at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), working in the Graduate Program in History (UFJF) and History Teaching (UERJ) and in the Specialization in Management and Architectural Restoration). Procientist scholarship from UERJ. Postdoctoral student in the Architecture Program at UFRJ, with a senior scholarship from CNPq. FAPERJ project coordinator (Universal, APQ1 and Jovens Talentos). PhD in History, Politics and Cultural Assets from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (CPDOC-FGV), with a sandwich period in Museology at Universidade Lusófona de Lisboa. Master in Social Projects and Cultural Goods (CPDOC-FGV), Master in Education (UFJF) and Degree in History (UFJF). Co-founder of the blog “Exporvisões: affective views on museums, heritage and the like”. Recent research focuses on the area of heritage, mainly historical museums, with a focus on expographic and educational narratives, especially the production of communication and educational materials. She develops projects on heritage, education and democracy, with an emphasis on the Museu da Maré (RJ).

Main Publications