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Chamada Filmes da Europa Ocidental desde 1990

Chamada: Filmes da Europa Ocidental desde 1990 (Volume Editado) (1.5.2018)


CFP: Western European Film Since 1990 (Edited Volume) (1.5.2018)

by Alexandra Hagen


Call for Papers (Edited Volume): Western European Film Since 1990


We are putting together an anthology of current research on Western European film since 1990 that is intended for both a scholarly and a student audience. We would be happy to consider submissions from you if your research interests fall into any of the following topics. Chapters may include, but are not limited to:


– gender and sexuality

– migration and refugees

– border regions

– terrorism

– transnationalism

– post-communist societies

– political uncertainty and change

– representations of pre-1990 history


The work needs to be genuinely cross-disciplinary, emphasizing relationships between social change, popular political culture, and cinematic representation. Chapters might focus either on a specific film as exemplary of broader developments, or on a wider selection of films viewed from a thematic perspective. The book is intended for classroom use in both contemporary European history, culture and film courses; and the language needs to be straightforward and accessible to advanced undergraduates and the general reading public.


If you are interested in contributing a chapter to the project, please send your CV and a proposal of between 300 and 500 words by May 1, 2018 to John Williams at johnw@bradley.edu and Alexandra Hagen at ahagen@bradley.edu. We will notify authors of acceptance by June 1, 2018, and the authors will then have until October 31, 2018 to submit their chapters.


Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have further questions. We are looking forward to your contributions.


Contact Info:

Alexandra Hagen and John Williams, Bradley University


Grupo de Pesquisa CNPq “História e Audiovisual: circularidades e formas de comunicação

Grupo de Pesquisa CNPq, registrado desde 2006, é coordenado por Eduardo Morettin (ECA/USP) e Marcos Napolitano (FFLCH/USP). Discute as relações entre História e Audiovisual, servindo como espaço de intercâmbio entre professores e pesquisadores dessa área temática

Página do Grupo de Pesquisa – clique aqui
Página do Grupo de Pesquisa no CNPq – clique aqui