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Images donated to the UFJF Science Center show the art behind cell biology


The launching ceremony of the second edition of the book “Cells & Microscopy”, written by Dr. Rossana Melo of the Laboratory of Cell Biology (LBC), took place at the UFJF Science Center on April 6 of this year. One of the milestones of the event was the donation made, by the professor, to the Science Center of digital images of cells seen by electron microscopy. Images obtained during 25 years of research, which mixes cellular biology and art, in order to stimulate public interest and the search for knowledge.


“These images reveal the art behind science,” Rossana says. “They are beautiful and stimulate the fascination with the cellular world – the idea of donating them is precisely to arouse interest in science, to show the exciting cell universe …”. And she adds, “The University has the mission to make public the work of researchers and the scientific knowledge that is produced in the academic field.”


The collection will soon be included in the new itinerary of the exhibition on cells of the UFJF Science Center, one of the largest centers of scientific dissemination in the country.


See the news in full here. (Portuguese only)