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Laboratory of Cellular Biology 


 cancerBW-300x219The Laboratory of Cellular Biology at Federal University of Juiz de Fora, established in 1995 by Dr. Rossana Melo, studies basic cellular mechanisms involved in different forms of inflammation. Research is aimed at understanding how cells from the immune system mainly macrophages, eosinophils and neutrophils respond to inflammatory situations, for example, during host defense to infectious diseases (such as Chagas’ disease and Tuberculosis) and during allergic diseases (such as asma), by studying the functional activity and structural organization of these cells. Different cell processes and pathways such as intracellular transport and mechanisms of secretion of immune mediators, signaling pathways associated with inflammation and pathological processes have been investigated. Another area of Lab interest involves research at the interface of Cell Biology and Ecological systems, with emphasis in the ultrastructure of aquatic microorganisms, virus-bacteria interactions and pathogen-host-environment relationships.


Techniques used in the Lab for development of research projects include: immunocytochemistry, histological techniques, immunoblotting, molecular biology techniques, cell culture and electron microscopy. Ultrastructural studies have been conducted by the Group since the establishment of the Lab and are considered as reference in the field. These studies involve advanced techniques such as ultrastructural immunolabeling (immunonanogold electron microscopy) and electron tomography that enables the three-dimensional observation of the cell interior. The Laboratory of Cellular Biology gives technical support to the Cellular Biology Research Group/UFJF/CNPq and is a member of the Microscopy Network of Minas Gerais State/Brazil/FAPEMIG and High Resolution Microscopy and Microanalysis Research Group/PRONEX/FAPEMIG.


For more than a decade, the Laboratory of Cellular Biology has established partnerships with other Research Institutions in Brazil (Oswaldo Cruz Foundation- FIOCRUZ, Federal University of Minas Gerais- UFMG and Federal University of Rio de Janeiro-UFRJ), and abroad such as Harvard University. The Lab has been actively training undergraduate and graduate students and is nowadays recognized by its high standard of scientific production.