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Facilities & Equipment


The Laboratory of Cell Biology is located at the Institute of Biological Sciences on the UFJF campus.  The lab facilities include a culture room, microtomy room, dark room and a separate microscopy room. In addition to more standard capabilities such as microscopes, shakers, hoods, ovens, freezers, including ultrafreezer (- 80° C), nitrogen containers, ice maker and high-speed centrifuges, the lab houses a automatic microtome (Leica); cryostat (Leica); Knifemaker; Olympus microscopes with Uplanaprochromatic  objectives, fluorescence, phase contrast, image acquisition system and softwares for image processing and morphometric analyzes; inverted Olympus microscope  and a slide 3DHISTECH scanner with a Zeiss camera, Pannoramic scan-BF platform for up to 200 slides and different computer softwares for quantification of cell structures.