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Eosinophils in Health and Disease

1-Lee-Rosemberg-2013-Eosinophils-in-health-and-disease-234x300This volume emerges from the intelligence and dedication put forth by innumerable investigators who came before us, as well as the ongoing efforts of our contemporary colleagues. All the ideas, the good vs. the bad, the correct vs. the incorrect, and the insightful vs. the just plain stupid, led the way and were the driving catalysts for much of the research presented herein. Consequently, our dedication is most simple: this book is a legacy and a gift to all. To this end, we dedicate Eosinophils in Health and Disease to the memories of those investigators who came before us, with a promise to those who will follow after we are gone. We acknowledge all of those who are working tirelessly to understand eosinophil biology, those who hope to determine what it is that these cells do, and how one can manage their helpful and harmful effects. These efforts have and will continue to contribute to improved health and well-being for everyone. More importantly, we hope and believe that this work will lead to a more fundamental understanding of the human condition, as none of us ever knows where our next ideas will come from or how far they will take us. 




James J. Lee and Helene F. Rosenberg