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The “Education” post graduate program offers two regular courses: Master's and Doctor's Degree in Education. Both are stricto sensu post-graduate courses in Education, authorized by CAPES and offered for professionals from the Pedagogy field and other teaching-oriented courses, as well as for candidates from different departments that seek Education as an occupational field. The PPGE/UFJF is based on an integrative axis, “BRAZILIAN EDUCATION: MANAGEMENT AND PEDAGOGICAL PRACTICES”. This integrative axis offers three fields of research: Work, state and social movements; Languages, cultures and knowledge; and Discourse, practices, ideas and subjectivities in educational processes. Coordinator: Profa. Dra. Sônia Clareto. Vice-coordinator: Profa. Dra. Andreia Garcia


Center of Studies on Education, Extension and Research in Human Spatiality and Geographies of Life

Geography of Childhood – GRUPEGI
Leader: Prof Jader Janer Moreira Lopes
Children are born in preexisting landscapes, they experience territories, places and other spatial dimensions that are expressions of the geographic space. The Geography of Childhood seeks to understand children and their childhoods, starting with these spatiatilities and the configurations emanating from it, among which we highlight the landscape,

Center of Studies on Education, Extension and Research in Human Spatiality and Geographies of Life

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