GESED – Study and research group on Gender, Sexuality, Education and Diversity
Leaders:Prof Roney Polato de Castro/ Prof Anderson Ferrari
The group is proposing new/other ways of thinking about school and cultural artifacts, problematizing processes of formation in the field of gender relations and sexualities in relation to other categories such as generation, religion, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic condition, among others.
Leader: Prof Luciana Pacheco Marques
Our studies in the area of Education and Diversity in the Research Group of Studies and Research in Education and Diversity – NEPED – from the Faculty of Education of the Federal University of Juiz de Fora, registered in the CNPq since 1993, under the current coordination of the Professors Luciana Pacheco Marques and Anderson Ferrari, have been directed to the understanding of the differences, regarding the present day historical, philosophical, and sociological foundations that enable men and women to exist and to relate in and to the world in new ways, as well as to the reflections of all this change in and for education. One research line of the group – School Life and Diversity – has as a background the displacement of data from the universal of Modernity to the multiple of Present, through the analysis of the categories: knowledge, time, space and subject. In Group TEMPOS we deepen the studies/researches on the time theme.
GRUPEES – Group for Research, Extension and Teaching of Sociology in Basic Education
Leaders: Profª Drª Katiuscia Vargas Antunes/ Profª Drª Rafaela Reis
The group was created in the context of the School of Education by a team of professors who work in the Sociology graduation course at UFJF. They were motivated by the need to promote research that would support the education of the undergraduates, also producing an interlocution with the public (state and federal) and private education networks of the city.
Study and Research Group on Education, Development and Human Integrality
Leader:Prof Sandrelena da Silva Monteiro
The Study and Research Group in Education, Development and Human Integrality(GEPEDIH) aims to study the human development in its entirety, considering its physical-biological, cognitive, social, cultural and spiritual dimensions, as well as the interfaces with the educational processes and teacher training, focusing on the construction of inclusive pedagogical practices.
Study and Research Group on School Inclusion Policies and Practices
Leader: Profª Drª Katiuscia C. Vargas Antunes
The Group seeks to study the policies and practices in school inclusion of people with disabilities and other special educational needs in regular schools.
International Observatory of Inclusion, Interculturality and Pedagogical Innovation
Leader: Profª Drª Mylene Cristina Santiago
OIIIIPe aims to investigate contradictions and perspectives emerging in proposals and experiences of inclusion, interculturality and pedagogical innovation developed in the process of educators’ training in national and international universities.