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Palestra “Using Knowledge Elicitation to Improve Web Effort Estimation: Lessons from Six Industrial Case Studies”

O PGCC convida  a todos para a palestra da Profa. Emilia Mendes, que irá
ocorrer no dia 21/03, quinta-feira, ás 16:30 na sala 3501.

Segue breve resumo da palestra e dados da palestrante.

Titulo da palestra: Using Knowledge Elicitation to Improve Web Effort
Estimation: Lessons from Six Industrial Case Studies

This talk will detail my experience building and validating six
different expert-based Web effort estimation models for ICT companies
in New Zealand and Brazil. All models were created using Bayesian
networks, via eliciting knowledge from domain experts, and validated
using data from past finished projects. Post-mortem interviews with
the participating companies showed that they found the entire process
extremely beneficial and worthwhile, and that all the models created
remained in use by those companies.

Short Bio:

Emilia Mendes is Professor in Software Engineering at the Blekinge
Institute of Technology (Sweden). She obtained her PhD in Computer
Science from the University of Southampton (UK) in 1999, and then
initiated her full time academic career at the Computer Science
Department at the University of Auckland (NZ), where she worked for 12
years. Her research is inter-disciplinary, encompassing four
disciplines – Web & Software measurement & metrics, Empirical Software
& Web Engineering, IT/Computer Science & Software/Web Engineering
education, and Hypertext. To date she has published over 170 refereed
publications, which include two books (one edited (2005 – Web
Engineering) and one authored (2007 – Cost Estimation Techniques for
Web Projects)). She worked in the ICT industry for ten years as
programmer, business analyst and project manager prior to moving to
the UK in the end of 1995 to initiate her PhD studies.

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