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Thiago Silva

Thiago Silva

Thiago Silva has a full degree in Biological Sciences and a M.Sc. (2012) and Ph.D. (2017) in Ecology earned from the Federal University of Juiz de Fora. He has experience as Lecturer for Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses in Biological Sciences, Biodiversity and Environmental Engineering.  He received extensive training in electron microscopy and other imaging techniques as well as biochemical and molecular methods applied to the study of Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells. Thiago Silva has been taking part of the Cell Biology Group/UFJF as a Postdoctoral Fellow and has been working on multifaceted research projects involving Ecology, Cell Biology, and Microbiology, with emphasis in cell ecology of microorganisms and immune cells. His studies include: (i) ultrastructure and cellular processes of bacteria and cyanobacteria from aquatic ecosystems in natural and stress conditions, (ii) microbial cell responses to antimicrobial agents and (iii) application of advanced cell biology techniques to the study of cell ecology of inflammatory cells, such as eosinophils, during host-pathogen interactions.


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Email: silva.tp@outlook.com