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Patrícia Elaine Almeida

Patricia E. Almeida received her undergraduate degree in Biological Sciences from the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (2002), master degree (2005) and Ph.D. (2009) in Cellular and Molecular Biology from Oswaldo Cruz Institute, FIOCRUZ/RJ. She obtained hes first post-doctoral fellow at the Laboratory of Immunopharmacology (IOC/FIOCRUZ/RJ) and her second post-doctoral at the University of Maryland (Washington /USA). She is currently a professor at the Laboratory of Cell Biology, advisor to the Professional Mastership Program in Biology (PROFBIO) and the Post-graduation Program in Biological Sciences (Immunology/Genetics and Biotechnology) at UFJF. Acting on the following topics: Cell Biology of Inflammation: Signaling pathways of innate immunity receptors and nuclear receptors involved in the response to intracellular pathogens; Mechanisms of the inflammatory response and lipid metabolism in models of comorbidity obesity-infectious diseases. In parallel, she studies membrane repair mechanisms in eukaryotic cells.

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Email: patricia.almeida@ufjf.br

