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2nd quarter of 2024

As of the 2nd quarter of 2024, starting on 06/17/2024, the subjects will again be offered on a face-to-face basis, according to the guidelines of Resolution No. 06/2022, approved by the Sectorial Council for Graduate Studies and Research (CSPP ) of the UFJF, on February 25, 2022.

Regular PPEE students must apply for registration through SIGAX.

For those interested in taking courses at the PPEE in isolation, below are information regarding the registration procedure.

The following subjects will be available for isolated enrollment in the 2nd quarter of 2024:

  • Estudos Avançados em Transmissão de Energia Elétrica
  • Estudos Avançados em Inteligência Computacional
  • Planejamento de Sistemas Elétricos
  • Comunicação Digital de Dados
  • Modelagem e Controle de Conversores Estáticos
  • Filtros Digitais
  • Integração Energética e Qualidade de Energia

Documents for enrollment in isolated discipline:

The scanned documents must be sent to the email, from 06/03/2024 to 06/07/2024. The e-mail must be sent with the title “Solicitação de matrícula em disciplina isolada – 2024/2”.