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Information Systems

The Course:

This is not the learning ofexclusively technical or theoretical content, but acourse that provides students with more comprehensivetraining, including aspects of human relationswith a political and social dimension. It is intended that the student be able to have a dialogue withsociety. In order to achieve this, the Information Systems courseprovides basic and solidtraining in Mathematics and Computer Science,particularly in Information Systems.Moreover, it contains technological training,additional training with emphasis on the study oforganizations, humanistic education and supplementarytraining. The course offers laboratories, research centers andgroups, many graduate lato sensuand stricto sensu courses, such as the Master’s inIT, Master’s and Doctorate in ComputationalModeling and teams for the programmingmarathon.

Professional prospects:

The new job profile requires people who make decisions as partners and true entrepreneurs, not as mere employees. Thus, professional performance must come from an excellent technical and humanistic preparation, with a close relation between theory and practice. The professional with a degree in Information Systems plans and manages information, with a focus on innovation, development and evolution. He/she has a working knowledge of the dynamics of the operation of companies and the relationships that may arise. He/she also takes into account issues related to psychology, ethics, politics, sociology, information technology and communication. With this, he/she helps in search for solutions to managerial, organizational, economic, financial or strategical issues in the regional, national and
world levels. It involves working with the infrastructure of information technology for using it in organizational, departmental and individual processes. He/she can work in private or public companies as well.


More information: +55 (32) 2102-3316