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Staff and Contacts


The International Office is part of the University’s Central Administration and supports and coordinates the UFJF international activities. We build and manage international collaborations and agreements, develop and promote international programs, provide information and logistical support for international students and scholars, help UFJF students/faculty/staff expand international opportunities that enrich research and learning, coordinate inward visits by overseas delegations, and work to increase the visibility of UFJF’s international activities around the globe.

For general information, please contact: internationaloffice@ufjf.edu.br


barbara daibert

International Relations Director
Bárbara Daibert
E-mail: international.office@ufjf.edu.br

Executive Office
Nilcilea Peixoto
Vítor Hugo Terra
E-mail: internationaloffice@ufjf.edu.br

International Agreements and Incoming Exchange
Clarissa Campos
Hugo Rocha
E-mail: incoming.dri@ufjf.edu.br 

Outgoing Exchange
Ben Hur Guarçoni Megiolaro

PEC-G and PEC-PG Programs
Sônia Fajardo
E-mail: pec.dri@ufjf.edu.br

Students support, Events Management and Public Relations
Edmárcia Andrade
E-mail: nai.dri@ufjf.edu.br

UFJF address:
Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora
Campus Universitário
Rua José Lourenço Kelmer, s/n – Bairro São Pedro
CEP: 36036-900 – Juiz de Fora – MG – Brasil.

International Office phone numbers:
+55 (32) 2102-3389
+55 (32) 2102-3947