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Electrical Engineering – Power Systems

Power Systems

The Course:

Training activities are divided into lecturesand practical classes. The curriculum consists ofcompulsory subjects and free choice subjects,which gives flexibility to themore specific training of soon to be engineer. The studentmust also comply with the mandatory internship and canparticipate in parallel activities during the course.He/she obtains solid training in the basic sciences(Mathematics, Physics, IT) and thegeneral training subjects (Electrical Circuits,Electromagnetism, Electronics, EnergyConversion, Energy Control). He/she becomes able to identify,confront and solve specific problems infield of Electrical Engineering. He/she also acquires theability to adapt to change, to analyzenew problems and situations, and seek solutionsin a creative way. For this, he/she uses the reality andtechnologies already known. Currently, the course haslaboratories, a research center, the “junior company”,and the Master’s and Doctorate programs.

Professional prospects:

The bachelor is able to perform activities concerning the design, implementation, supervision and management of construction sites in the areas of electrical engineering and energy generation, transmission and distribution systems. The engineer may also work in the construction and application of automation and control systems in industrial production lines, developing electronic components, operating and maintaining equipment (such as in hospitals and clinics), and in design of electrical systems in factories, businesses and residences. He/she can act in places where electronic and control systems are present in the production process. Examples include telecommunications (such as cell phone manufacturing and communication system operators), equipment manufacturing, automation, and the engine and generator plants. If he/she chooses to be self-employed, he/she can act as a designer or consultant of electrical, electronic and control projects. He/she can also work with research or as an entrepreneur in technologically-based companies.


More information: +55 (32)2102-3442/(32)2102-3408