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Computer Science

Computer Science

The Course:

The training in Computer Sciencedevelops the theoretical foundations andpractice in the several fields of work for theIT professional. The course offerssubjects which teach the student thescientific part and the fundamental techniques for a solid training in the area. The subjects regardingcomputer technology give the studentthe opportunity to view the applicationof the basic knowledge acquiredin the technological development phase. The studentmay also choose a major,according to his/her profile, which maybe Scientific Computing; Networks andDistributed Processing; SoftwareDevelopment; Databases, ITin Education; and Computer Graphics. The coursehas laboratories, research and scientific initiationgroups and centers, and thedepartment also has a course for obtaining the Master’s Degree in Computer Science, Master’s and Doctorate degrees in Computational Modeling, specializationcourses and teams for the programming

Professional prospects:

The computer science graduate can work in professional, academic and scientific sectors, in the commercial, industrial/scientific or research fields. The professional becomes able to perform various roles, such asresearcher in scientific and technological projects. He/she can become a professional who seeks the discovery and development of new opportunities for applications,using computer systems and evaluating the advisability of investing in such development. As a consultant, he/she canprovide consultancy services to companies in various fields with regard to the proper use of computer systems.


More information: +55 (32)2102-3316