Sciences Center
The Sciences Center of the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF) has a structure that extends beyond its base located in the campus, encompassing the Planetarium, and the Astronomical Observatory. With the main objective of popularizing the dissemination of science around the region, the center covers not only the academic community within the University, but also all citizens who have interest in science. Its team consists of UFJF’s professors, researchers and administrative staff.
Many attractions are available for visitors with didactic tours in new facilities, such as the Planetarium and the Astronomical Observatory (the latter being the largest in the state, allowing various types of sky contemplations, since details in high definition, like moon craters up to the view of a nebula or even a galaxy).
Address and phone number:
UFJF Sciences Center
Campus of the Federal University of Juiz de Fora
Bairro São Pedro – Juiz de Fora – Minas Gerais
+55 (32) 2102-6913
+55 (32) 2102-6914
Instagram: centrodecienciasufjf
Facebook: CCufjf